What's Up? It's Wednesday?!
>> Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Time is slipping by as the summer is washed away in the rain. I'm busy with school holidays and visiting, but am trying to finish my monthly projects and get a move on some new things.My design wall (sorry, picture taken in the morning so there's sunlight in the background) has up some stockings for the Season of Grace BOM hosted by Pat Sloan and Emilie Richards. This month is yoyo trees and snowmen.
Also up is the background for the Little Bouquet Quilt Along and some of my first flowers for the bouquet. They are made 'freestyle' log cabin - cut an uneven centre and start adding to each side. These will be my biggest flowers. Lots more to do!
I did finish the birthday bag - to rave reviews:) Now my daughter wants one with the same fabric so she can match her friend - who lives 2 1/2 hours away!:)
I've also been indulging in purchasing fabric! My excuse? One of the quilt stores where I used to live is closing. So I have to help them clear out, don't I? Don't worry, my mom and sister are helping to reduce inventory as well:)
Sarah Vee
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