Yo yo ING into August
>> Thursday, August 6, 2009
Well, my July stockings are done. One has a tree made of yo yos, and the second is a snowman. These are for the advent quilt BOM by Pat Sloan and Emilie Richards called Season of Grace.
Since most of what I'm up to quilting wise is secretive or at a standstill, I thought I would share a couple more yo yo photos.
This past weekend we went to the Little Current Quilt Show. There were lots of bedsize quilts to look at and several smaller art quilt exhibits as well. These two yo yo quilts were pointed out by my daughter. Since I could find no label or description for these, I will share with the caveat that I didn't make them and please let me know if you know who did! Thanks:)This quilt is probably lap size, if not larger. It was draped over something - probably because of it's construction method and/or age. Now here's a closer look.
The yo yos are all TIED together! With red yarn. I've never seen one made like this and thought it very clever. Judging from the size of the yo yos and fabrics, I think it was made in the 70s. Or at least out of older fabrics. And the yo yos were handmade.
This is a closeup of a yo yo table runner. I think these yo yos were made using a "Clover" maker as they are very uniform. They are all connected with BUTTONS! I think there were at least 5 or 7 rows across of yo yos and it went the full length of an average dinner table.
I was impressed by the ingenuity involved in both cases. I seldom make yo yos but both of these quilts - and the stockings - were inspiring fun.
As for August, well, it's come along rather quick and seems to have a mind of its own. We're away for a very brief vacation next week, but I have some posts scheduled to share.
EnJOY each day for it's SEWING opportunities, and cherish those without even more:)
Sarah Vee
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