Time Tip Tuesday

>> Tuesday, October 6, 2009

This is for all of us who would love to and NEED to find time everyday to quilt. To create. To make something new! This is a first attempt. Check back next week. No promises! Enjoy.

Time Tip #1 : Do NOW what you can't do LATER!

For instance; my goal right now is to finish quilting this quilt by the end of October. Some of you might sit right down and stay up late and do it! Yay for you!! For me, that's a no go. I procrastinate at this stage, but I'm working on it. What have I done to tackle this phobia of the finished product?

SEE it done then do it!

I have written out all my plans for quilting each different section of the quilt. When I get a chunk of time without interruptions (or toddlers ) I go for it. I don't have to rethink what I'm going to do or where I'm at. I check off each section as I go so I know where to start next time. You can even write down what thread you plan to use so you don't have to store that info in your brain (save some space up there for dreaming about the next quilt!)

So far so good.

Next Tuesday I may even show you this one done :)

Make a plan for getting through the parts you don't enjoy - or simply can't do during your normal time for sewing.

ENJOY the process (all the way to the end!)

Sarah Vee


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