
Monday, May 31, 2010

Building Blocks

Busy Design Wall this week! As I am at the end of the month, and almost finished everything on my Spring to Finish list, I have some small projects as rewards. Follow the numbers to read about what's up on my wall:

1. A Maverick Churn Dash block - not intentionally a maverick block, BUT, since I trimmed it, photographed it and walked away before noticing the 'oops', it's been decided in this household that it is staying a maverick block. It's for Ariane and the June Sew Modern Bee Block. {It's not finished yet, I know, Ariane! I've just finally accepted it's maverick status!:)}

2. Leftover cuts from the churn dash which will turn into a signature block for Ariane.

3./6./10. Will be revealed in JUNE as they belong to a JUNE project.

4./8. Selvages ready to become coasters.

5. A test block for Ariane in some Christmas fabric. That's twice now that my test block is not the one I choose to use. This time because I don't think the block accentuates Ariane's fabric choices as well as the churn dash.

7. Some leftover strips from Marianne's block in May and little snips I was sent with a fabric bundle from Fabritopia. This will probably end up as a potholder.

9. If you click the photo larger you may be able to read the stitching. My daughter made the stitching for my birthday and just recently finished it. I found it folded on my table with the fabric that now borders it. I thought they looked happy together. I plan to do a quick batting and background and leave the binding open. A little something sweet to hang in my sewing space.

11. Part of one of the May Block Lotto blocks I made. Waiting not so patiently to see if I'm one of the winners!

While my Design Wall is full of fun stuff, I do have some binding to finish making and get in the mail before I can really play any further. And photos to add to my placemat pattern which I finished writing last night.

Turns out I thrive with a rewards system in place!
{Sue Spargo even has a new book out!}

Check out the other design walls linked through Judy's blog, Patchwork Times.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. You seem to have a lot going on. Having them all out in the open like that is a nice way to keep track and avoiding losing track.

  2. Wow girl...that's a lot to juggle!
    How do you get the words on your photos?

  3. First visit: LOVE, LOVE the placemat in your header. I also like your wall which shows that you, like me, work on many projects at the same time.

  4. Lots of fun stuff on your design wall. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!