
Monday, June 7, 2010

Designing on the Wall

This was my design wall Friday night. My husband had plans to be away overnight so I started on some projects. I didn't get much done Friday night, but the rest of the weekend things progressed. The basket blocks at the top are for June's Block Lotto.

I finished my 2nd last block for the Basket Mystery quilt. Instructions for piecing the top should come out later this month.

This is my last block for the project. Printing out the design in black and white lets me see the designer's value placement. This helps me choose my colours as I usually don't use the same type of fabrics as the example. {I did originally have the blue and green centers reversed to match the example - but I like it better this way.}

Then I put my choices up on the design wall and walk away for awhile. Walking in and out of the room throughout the day I can see how I respond to the colours. In this case, I liked it, but something wasn't quite right.

Better. I had repeated the yellow in 2 flowers, but not the third. Now that I added it in I feel like the flowers go together better. This is just about all of the original yellow background fabric I have left!

Here's hoping the design wall helps me put the blocks together into a cohesive quilt top!

Check out some more design walls at Judy's blog.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. I agree that leaving the room for a while really helps "see" things with a fresh eye. Many times I'll make a little change and think "why didn't I see that in the first place?"
    I like to print blocks in black & white too---it's too distracting sometimes when my fabric choices are so different from the sample, my brain can't stay focused!!:)

  2. My DH was away this past weekend, too, and I had really good sewing time. Love your baskets.

  3. Another one that walks in and out of the room to see if something else jumps out at me. Really like your baskets.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!