
Monday, June 28, 2010

Short and Sweet - and Pink

This morning my design wall post is pretty short. And sweet.

And Pink!

These are leftover strips from Sadie's quilt. Her youngest sister has a birthday quickly approaching so I thought I would make a doll blanket for her baby. This might keep littlest sister happy now that mommy's arms are going to be carrying around the new baby.

I always forget how much I like pink in quilts until I start using it again!

Follow the links at Judy's blog to check out more design walls.

My attention this week is focussed on my first Blog Hop!

Feel free to click the button above to go to the first post
{it's where you'll find out about all of the giveaways!:)}

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. What a cute little pink quilt. When I get a free minute I'm going to have to check out the blog hop.

  2. Pink is a color I have very little of in my stash, but sometimes it is just the perfect girly thing. Very cute idea for your leftovers.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!