
Monday, August 23, 2010

Which Way Should I Stripe?

I finished adding the orange sashing and inner border. Now onto the striped outer border!

Here's the top edge of the quilt. The corner squares mark the fact that I'm making small baskets to go in the corners, with the stripe fabric as the background colour. The outer border finishes at 6 inches - just like the baskets.
Now, which way should the stripe go? Across like this photo - top photo #1?

Or this one - top photo #2.

Then there's also the side borders to consider.

Side photo #1

Side photo #2

I have an idea of what I like. Of course, now I'm concerned that I cut my stripe squares for the baskets the "right" way so that the stripes continue to flow.

Do you have a preference? Would you even use the stripe?! I like it and haven't really tried anything else again. . .

It's Design Wall Monday so you can check out lots more quilts through Judy's links.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the quilt. Orange is my favorite color!

    My daughter and I think the stripe looks better vertically rather than horizontally.

    If you're unsure about using the stripe for a border, you could cut it on the bias and use it for the binding. That would look cool.

    What about using the orange or purple background fabrics for the border? Just a thought if you have lots of the fabric left.

    Whatever you do, it's going to be a beautiful quilt.

  2. very pretty quilt. I like the stripes in photo#2.I will check back to see what you decide.Thanks for sharing,Amy

  3. top photo #2 and side photo #1 for sure!

  4. I like them in photo 2 personally, using it as bias binding would be cool too. Like the new header picture!

  5. I like #2 and then #1. Let us know what up pick.

  6. Top 2 , side 1..dont' know why! I like to use stripes as bias binding...dont' know why I like that either! just 'feels' right!

  7. I love using stripes for borders and for bindings! I like top photo #2 and side photo #1.

  8. The strip fabric seems a little light for the bright center of the quilt but that could just be how it looks in the picture. I would probably use a brighter print fabric for an outer border and then the stripe for the binding. Aren't you glad you asked?

  9. The orange sashing is a hit, Sarah! Fantastic looking basket quilt. I like the stripes verticle and would continue to have "short" stripes on the sides as well--it is hard to cut and sew striped fabric perfectly so that there is no wavyness to it. Know what I mean? Loving this quilt--looks a good size too.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!