I went out to get the mail last night and was greeted by this rainbow.
You could almost see the whole arc, so I walked towards the backyard to get a better view.
I found a neighbour's fading purple shed courting this tree changing colours instead.
Storm clouds were rolling in and covering the rainbow.
This was the view from behind my "super" mailbox.
I stood for a little while in the parking lot and watched the rainbow get clouded over and these clouds change from pink, to orange, to yellow.
The air cooled and it almost felt like a light mist as I turned towards home.
Valori Wells has been blogging about clouds lately.
And Scott and Blue Nickel Studios posted a neat night sky too.
Do you take pictures of clouds? Sunsets? Trees?
I do. They have their own file on my computer too.
I would love to dye fabrics that look like the sky some time.
I got started on Sandy Gervais' project on the Fall-o-ween hop.
I had all of these orange 2 1/2 inch squares already cut!
I'm using up the last of this print. Granny stash, I think. The top piece is for this project. Then I cut 2 charm squares {5"}, one 2 1/2 inch strip, and have a little 2 inch wide piece leftover to put into a string quilt.
With Joy,
Sarah Vee
Those cloud pics are gorgeous. If we could only create a quilt that was equally as majestic. I love the falloween block and will click on the link to Sandy Gervais' project.