
Monday, January 10, 2011

Monochromatic Design Wall

My Design Wall is definitely looking Monochromatic this morning!

The yellow you can see is an attempt at using some scraps to create - something. I'm putting the Monochromatic challenge on the back burner right now as I keep changing my mind:)

I typed and printed a label for my 2010 String quilt. I used a sheet of "Quilted Treasures" fabric you can put through an ink jet printer. I left a bit of space at the top so I can sign the label in my handwriting too - something Bonnie Hunter has talked about doing.

This is a white pumpkin for my Halloween 1904 quilt. I'm working on this quilt as my leader and ender project this year instead of starting another monthly block quilt. I found this pumpkin when I went searching for another quilt to do handwork on for the winter - more blocks for the Madhatter Tea Party challenge.

This is the background fabric I'm using in my Madhatter Tea Party challenge quilt {which is very late for the challenge, but I want to make it anyway:)}
This fabric is from a Robyn Pandolph line called "Flirt" and I love it! I have had to resist buying more of it.

Here's a photo of the teapot block I've completed. You can see the other blocks I've finished here.

Check out some more Design Walls through the links at Judy's blog.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. cute little teapot. love the idea of leaving a space on printed labels for hand signing-going to start doing that Thank you for that. (My printing is not the best so I LOVE printing labels but miss the personal touch!)

  2. I just love the teapot. The background is perfect.

  3. I've read about Bonnie's idea for the handwritten signature and agree it's a good idea! Your design wall is perking along. Love the teapot.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!