
Monday, January 31, 2011


Why "Play/Pause" this morning? My son has been down and out with a fever for the last 4 days and nights - and I have been awake for them all!
I have been staring at the buttons on the music player beside his bed more than I've been staring at my stash:) The "Play/Pause" button struck me as funny last night. I think that's where my quilting got stuck this week!

My design wall has the 6 cupcake pillow front waiting for me. It is my second Birthday Quilt Challenge project for the year.

Beneath the cupcakes is my cut out Block 7 for the Layer Cake Quilt Along. It's been like that since "Before the Fever". Hopefully it will be sewn together before Judy hosts another Design Wall Monday.

I have managed to finish the stitching on my first Birthday Quilt Challenge project of the year. I really enjoyed it! Only a peek for now because I still have to bind it and mail it off to the birthday boy - belatedly:( There just might be a little something extra in the package to make up for the lateness. . .

The "Pause" this week
gave me time to think about
why I quilt what I quilt
and how I want to
my time and talents this year.

The "Play" part is just beginning!

Check out more Design Walls through the links at Judy's blog today.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. Love the cupcakes! Great idea for a birthday pillowcase... or quilt. Thanks for sharing. Hope the little one gets better soon!

  2. Oh, I hope your little guy is feeling better soon! :)

  3. Play/Pause sounds like not so fun. Don't miss those days here. The Birthday boy will forgive you for not being on time. Take care and we'll all see what is next on the DWM.

  4. Still lovin the cupcakes. I like your LC block. Mine was crazy busy this time.

  5. I love to see what other's do with the LCQAL blocks. And I love the challenge of trying to tie the blocks together. Every year I try something different but the BOMs keep me sane as I work on bigger projects.

  6. I'm also tired today, although no small children kept me up, I just don't sleep sometimes. Hope your boy is getting better. Love your 5 block.

  7. I love the little cupcakes, how cute.

  8. I sure do hope your son gets better quick so you can press the play button on your life again!

  9. Great Layer Cake block!

    Hope your son gets to feeling better soon, it's so hard when they are not well.

  10. Love the cupcakes. Hope you are up to full play soon!

  11. Oh, having sick kids is so hard! Hope he feels better soon and you get some rest. Wow. The play button will be getting pushed when you can!


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