
Friday, June 10, 2011

Joy Framed and Bordered

Remember this wallhanging?

It's made from my block in Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks Vol.3.

You can find the quick tutorial for it here.

Well. I put it up on the dining room wall just. like. this.
With pins and no backing.
So I stare at it while I'm eating.
I eat a lot!

I realized it needed something more.

Much better!
I added a 3 inch border and kept the red and green going into the corners.
Now it's a bit bigger and looks finished.

But it's really not.
Maybe I'll have it quilted for next summer!

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. LOLZ! :D I do the same thing. I've got 4 individual sections of my Beachwalk art quilt pinned on our walls until I get up the guts to do the thread painting on them. (We have a coastal-themed house, so they're perfect.)

  2. The border really made it - not sure if it really needs another. I do some times stare at things for awhile also.

  3. This is so lovely and summery. I can see why you want to leave it on your wall.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!