I've been taking a bit of a blog break. Actually when I went to type the title I spelled it "brake" and that would be accurate as well! Life is busy outside of blogland - who knew;)
I am still working away at my Lady of the Lake quilt. My header photo is from two years ago when I laid out my blocks across my bed! I'm much farther along now and did a big sprint last night. I'm not sure I will make my July 6 deadline, but I'm hopeful! My biggest mental stumbling block right now is trying to decide what to use for binding.
My biggest Physical stumbling block is exhaustion after working outside the home and then INSIDE the home when I'm done! I know you know what I mean!
My mom knows me pretty well, don't you think? I love both of these almost equally! One is a package of BRIGHT paisley napkins and the other - a layer cake of Wildflower Serenade. Thanks, mom - I have plans for both!
Don't you LOVE plans? I keep making them and the more I'm at my machine quilting, the more I make!
I haven't forgot about the quilt along. In fact, I've given it a name:
Follow Your Bliss Make Along
I'm gonna say it's a 3 month adventure - July 18 to September 18.
I'm planning a blog roll of participants, so if you know you want to join me, let me know through email or a comment and leave me a link to your blog.
Stay tuned for more from me next week!
Enjoy the Long Weekend!
Happy Canada Day AND Fourth of July!
Happy Canada Day AND Fourth of July!
Sarah Vee
I's love to join in your sew along. Sounds like a good time.
I will be joining your quilt along!!