
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Quilts in the House - Handquilted Love

This is a continuation of posts about quilts in my house made by family.
Painted Ladies by my paternal Aunt Post is here.
Tied quilt by maternal great grandmother is here.
Biscuit quilt by my husband's maternal grandmother is here.

My posts are inspired by my sister blogging about why she quilts. You can visit her blog here.

This quilt was given to my daughter by her paternal great grandmother who made the biscuit quilt I featured in this post.

Granny didn't make it though. She bought it from one of the women who quilted in her building in St.Lambert, Quebec. It is all handquilted. I still haven't figured out how the bowties are made to get this dimensionality.

The fabric placement is planned and the fabrics themselves are fun miniature prints. They remind me of 1930s prints - little dogs, flowers, etc.

All the red fabric is the same print: the hearts, the inner border and the binding.

There are handquilted hearts in the open blue squares.

The quilt is an oversized crib - or child's lap size I guess. I tried to use it on my son's smaller futon mattress, but my daughter wouldn't let me. It is in her room.

I enjoyed going back to look at pictures of my daughter playing on this quilt before she could walk. Of course, the pictures are not digital so I don't have them on the computer. Another task for another day!

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. The bow tie quilt is made by sewing another block into the seams. If you google "10 minute quilt blocks" and watch the video on You Tube, it shows you how to achieve the look. The lady's name is Suzanne McNeill. It is very, very simple. I just finished a quilt top made out of denim and plaid shirts, that I picked up at our local boys & girls ranch store, during their bi-annual $4 bag sale. Good Luck!

  2. I love the quilt. I am machine quilting a 3D bowtie table runner. Love the block. Hugs

  3. I learned to make it years ago -- it would take me awhile to get a step by step posted -- if you still are trying to figure it out, perhaps i could make a quick one and send it to you,
    let me know --
    Here is a link to a wall hanging i still haven't finished (because i will prob give it away~!)


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