
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bringing Home Inspiration

I was very fortunate to attend the Hawberry Quilt Show on Manitoulin Island with my family the weekend of September 17 - 18.

No family road trip is complete without a few stops to enjoy the view. This is 10 Mile Point Lookout. My daughter read the road side plaque and I believe this was a spot where the Jesuits originally came to the island.

 While there are challenges to attending a quilt show with young children, in the end the rewards outweigh any of the irritants of the day. My daughter used to go to many quilt shows with me when we lived in Southern Ontario. She loved to put on the white glove and get her picture taken in front of her favourite quilts. Here she is with her show favourite. She loves purple right now. This quilt won many ribbons for machine quilting.

 This might be the first show my son remembers attending. Near the end of the day he wanted to get his photo taken with this quilt. I think it was done in the 1980's with the Disney characters appliqued on it.

 I know I shouldn't be, but I always am amazed at how sensitive my children are to environmental issues. Both of them liked this quilt's message. If you look closely at the garbage, you can see bits of Tim Horton's coffee cups.  Even my 4 year old son could tell me the 'message' of this quilt.

When we came home my daughter promptly dumped out all of her fabrics and began sorting them for a quilt! My son got out his container of scraps and arranged his art piece. Not wanting to eclipse this moment with my own fabric play, I pulled a cereal box out of the recycling and glued his fabrics down for him. His art is now hanging in his room, my daughter's fabrics are photographed and grouped into collections, and my heart is full!

I was very moved by seeing the Ground Zero quilt. More than I was expecting to be. I was not able to take a photograph. You can go to the website and see the quilt and read it's story there. Perhaps because it was so close to September 11th, knowing the quilt had literally just arrived from the anniversary events, made it overwhelming. The quilt itself is quite unassuming. Then  I read the line, "This quilt is composed of pictures of people who died on September 11, 2001" The power of that intention radiates from this quilt.

I hope you get a chance this fall season to go out and experience a quilt show. I know many have and photos have been popping up all over blogland. I have a few more posts planned before I'm done with this show. Yes, it was that good!

With Joy,

Sarah Vee

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing about that purple quilt.. i trucked that one around the whole quilt show, because I could not find a suitable mate to hang beside it... what matches an all purple quilt... finally I ran out of spots and just hung it. The one your son chose, is my cousin's. I asked her to put some in, her mother in law made it many years ago.. she will like knowing that.

    Ground Zero knocked the socks off almost everyone... the few times I was on the floor near it, no one walked away without tears in their eyes.


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