
Monday, September 5, 2011

Designing With Scraps

This is all I have up on my design wall this morning. I have sewn on the red stem with some variegated red thread and pinned some blue leaves in place. I think I will have to play with the flower petals before I "know" if this is how I want to place the leaves.

See that nice turquoise basket with the handle? I spent most of my quilting time over the weekend cutting up the scraps that were in it.

This is how full it was when I started! It was ready for a clean out and clean up - to make room for some more scraps:)

There were quite a few large pieces in the basket, like this pink dinosaur.

Fabric scraps this size are still useable in my books so they went back into my colour cubbies.
Here's a link to where I store fabric this size. It's an older post, but I do still use the hanging shoe racks for this size of fabric.

I'm currently cutting up scraps for 2 specific project - and another specific size.

Project 1 = I'm cutting 1.5 inch strips to make a mini log cabin quilt. It's a side project that I started during my Follow Your Bliss makealong. I now have enough strips that I can sort them in 2 strawberry containers - one dark and one light. I'm hoping to get this set up as a leader and ender project - soon!

Project 2 = A project I have actually changed my mind on but will keep cutting these specific sizes. I'm cutting 3.5 inch squares and bricks that measure 2.5 inches x 3.75 inches. The bricks are for a piano key border that I still plan to make. The squares were to be cut into half square triangles. But I don't like to trim! I just reread the quilt directions and I would have to trim down to 2.5 inch squares. So, I am probably going to use the squares and do disappearing 4 patches or 9 patches or - something else!

Specific size = 2.5 inch squares. A long time ago now I saw a watercolour quilt at Exuberant Color and commented to Wanda that I've always wanted to make a watercolour quilt but don't really have the stash for it. She suggested I simply cut squares as I make projects and eventually I would have enough. I think she's right! This is one of my stackable cucumber boxes with strawberry containers full of 2.5 inch squares {and apparently, one has scraps that I was too lazy to cut but stashed away here to cut at another time!}

Do you save scraps? How small do you go?

To check out some more design walls, visit the links at Judy's blog.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately I save EVERYTHING including thread snips. Makes for a storage nightmare! I loved seeing your photos of how you organize your pieces!


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