
Friday, September 30, 2011

Progress on a Christmas Surprise

It's that time of year when, in addition to all the fall cleaning, baking, new activities and homework, I decide to FOCUS on some UFOs! I have 3 that I want to have a lot of progress on before next year. The one above is one of them.  It's the mystery quilt my sister's guild did in Michigan a couple of years ago. She finished and gifted two of them already! This is where mine got left off when I got distracted by something else.

It will be a surprise for my son for Christmas when the plan is to get him an actual bed, too. Right now he's on a futon on the floor.  I am trying to work on this when he's not home or awake, which is a very small window of time. I get 30 to maybe 50 minutes in the morning {depending on when I work} and possibly 2 hours after work {if I have the energy and before making supper!}

This is how far I got this week! The blocks were all made, I just had to sew the blocks into rows and then sew the rows together. Then I added the first border. When I originally planned to make this quilt for him {years ago} this was the finished size. It would have been perfect then, but now this barely covers the top of a twin bed. So, I will have to add the additional border from the pattern which I didn't purchase additional fabric for!

Quick!  To the Stash!

 Too busy, but I like how light the fabric reads. This fabric was set aside for the backing and it still might end up that way.

Too modern, but I really like it with the quilt. I might use it for the binding.

Still not right, but I do like this fabric with the 'stripes' going this direction.

What's a quilter to do?!? I have some of the dark blue left and a very little bit of the green. I'm going to see if I can do a skinny skinny green border, maybe just on the long sides, and then make it as big as I can with the blue I have left.

Here's hoping I'll have some more progress to report next week.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. Sarah,
    I like the third option best!
    Can't wait to see how you finish it!

  2. yup... I'm for three too, Sarah! Wonderful quilt!

  3. Wow! You got a lot done, Sarah!! It's a really neat project


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