
Thursday, October 20, 2011

House Cleaning my Blog with a Giveaway

 I finally got all of these blocks and pieces put together. Then I rotated it when I put it back up on the design wall and really like it this way!  

I needed to clear off my design wall to start this -

A Christmas quilt! This block is the middle block. It's the basket block I designed for the Layer Cake Quilt Along with one minor change. I changed the handle to have curves as I didn't have to make it out of 2 10 inch squares so I had enough fabric to make the 2 7/8 inch square.

What blocks are going around the basket?  Here's a hint!

The blog tour starts November 7th and my date is November 9th. There are lots of new to me designers in this issue. I looking forward to seeing their blocks. Of course, there will be a giveaway of an issue of the magazine on my blog tour date. You don't want to miss out so you might consider following me if you don't already!

I've been tidying up my blog to get ready for the tour - kind of like cleaning the house before company comes:) I put a linkbar across the top of my blog to make it easier to click around and find my stuff. I also put the sign up box for getting my new blog posts sent to your email box directly above my posts. 
What else would you change or add?

I also noticed this morning that I have reached that magic number of 100 followers!

Thank you so much for following my blog. 
I really enjoy sharing my quilting adventures with you.

Let's Celebrate with a Giveaway Today!

I have one kit assembled to make my Selvage Pillow Cover. The kit includes the foundation, selvages you see in the photo above and the backing fabric {the stripe fabric on the right}

Leave me a comment on this post to win the kit AND a copy of the pattern.
For a second chance, leave me a second comment that you are a follower:)
Make sure you leave 2 comments for 2 chances!

Comments are open until Sunday night, October 23rd, 7PM EST.
I will ship internationally.
Make sure I have a way to contact you - leave an email address in your comment if you are a 'no reply' blogger!!!

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. I'm a follower - I've got you on my blogroll. Looking forward to your blog tour post.

  2. Hi Sarah congratulations on your 100th post. Your blog is awesome.

  3. And yes I am a follower and proud of it...have a wonderful day

  4. I love that pillow! Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. Congrats on 100 followers... you go girl!

  6. What stinkin' cute pillow!! I know you said you couldn't reply to me, and I have clicked and looked over the whole thing. Some others I am not even able to comment on. I think I may have figured it is the browser. I will comment here, and then also on another browser. Thanks, Sarah!
    100 followers - yipppeeee!!!

  7. OK, on another browser - let me know if you can comment to this one. Call it #2 on Firefox.

  8. Hey, the pillow. Can't wait to see your block in the magazine. I'm hoping to finish my "Follow your Bliss" quilt today. Hugs

  9. Congratulations! I love anything that involves selvedges!

  10. cute pillow, sarah! i have a bunch of selvages these days, and i'm waiting for just the perfect project to use them.

  11. Cute pillow. I've never done anything with the selvedges, but have some here I could experiment with!

    Congrats on 100 followers, too! That is so neat!

    Sandy A

  12. Oh, and I am one of the one hundred, too! :)
    Sandy A


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!