
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

100 Blocks Giveaway Day - Jolly Holly Fun!

Welcome to Giveaway Day! I am really happy to be included in this issue of 100 Blocks. I may have even squealed when I saw that my block made it to the cover!

Jolly Holly - block 362

I wanted to do an applique block with a pieced backing.  I thought the buttons were a fun way to add berries without having to applique too many circles! Of course, I had to add the buttons to my submission, but you wouldn't add the buttons until after your quilt was done. Right?!

I also wanted my block to be fun for the quilter who is still shy about doing applique. 

I finally found a happy home for this City Girl Holiday fabric by Kitty Yoshida. I fussy cut the middle to feature the beautiful poinsettias and framed them in gold. I'm planning to make a few of the Christmas blocks in this issue with more of this fabric to create a little sampler for me.

When I was designing this block in April there was no snow or mistletoe around to inspire me. When it came time to put something together for this blog tour, the Fall weather made it a little easier for me to find inspiration. 

Do you enjoy hearing the familiar Christmas carols when you're out shopping? Maybe you would like a visual reminder of a favourite. . .

 It's not quite finished yet, but you get the idea! I think it's a really fun idea to Deck my Hall with this wallhanging:)

And - you can get the letter templates NOW!

You can purchase the templates for my letters and make your own Jolly Holly quilt:)
You will need the magazine for the block pattern and the holly template.
You can sign up for my newsletter in the sidebar where I'll let you know when my pattern is done.

Giveaway Time!
Leave me a comment telling me your favourite type of quilt block to make - pieced, applique, mixed? to win a copy of the Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, Vol. 4.

My giveaway will be open until midnight EST Fri. Nov. 11th.
I use the Random Generator to pick a winner.
Please make sure you leave an email address in your comment if you are a *no reply blogger*.

Good luck to all!
I hope you are enjoying the blog tour. Be sure to check in at Quilty Pleasures for tour stops each day and extra giveaways.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. I loved to make pieced blocks, but am starting to be interested in applique more and more. :o) congrats on being included in the book!

  2. Your block design is very cute. I like the version that made the cover the best! I like piecing the best. I just love to see little bits of fabric come together in a clever design.

  3. I love to do it all, if time is of the essence I will do a machine pieced block, but if I have heaps of time I love to do applique and stitchery.

  4. Great block! Congratulations!

    My favorite block to make is pieced. I love to hear my sewing machine purr.

  5. I love pieced blocks. Still too timid to do applique, but a beautiful & simple block like your Jolly Holly could get me started. Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. Congratulations on your block! I love it. I love doing applique! thanks!

  7. I carry around hand piecing; right now I'm working on an I Spy hexagon quilt, but when that is done I will probably return to my 7 Sisters block

  8. Love Christmas blocks, thanks, and I really enjoy mixed projects, I love to sit at the sewing machine to chain piece, and at night I love to sit by the tv and do hand work, got to stay bizzy the block and your blog...

  9. hi sarah! thanks for the give away :) i think my favourite kind of block right now is paper pieced ones.. i like that you can get precise, sometimes complicated designs, but it's alot easier!

  10. Lovely block! I like to do stitcheries and applique together with pieced blocks!

  11. I love to make pieced blocks! Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. I do mostly piecing but add applique to some things for that extra special touch. I love your block. I think I'll put it in a Christmas project, but also might change the applique or do the non-applique version to adapt it to other holidays or seasons. This magazine always inspires me!

  13. I always thought pieced was my #1, but have started to applique by hand, and enjoy having a carry along project.

  14. I have only made pieced blocks so far, but love the look of applique, so need to try that soon. Great block--looks like a good one to try for my first applique project! Thanks for the chance to win a copy of this 100 blocks issue!

  15. I like combination on stiched apliqued and piesed blocks. Great block you have done. Hugs Jofrid

  16. Sarah I love your block. Just in time for the holidays. Thanks for the chance to win a copy of the magazine. Hugs

  17. Mixed blocks

  18. Applique all the way! Love the buttons on the holly. Such a fun touch.

  19. Love piecing only as a path to making backgrounds for applique, which has become my first love.

  20. I think your block is cute and it is getting me in the CHristmas mood. My favorite block is the pieced block although I am a beginner at applique and do enjoy it. I think in the future I will enjoy mixed blocks.

  21. I like them all. My favorite go to is probably half square triangles.

  22. I love your block! I haven't done a pieced and applique block yet. I think I would enjoy it very much!

  23. Applique is my favorite type of block to make. I love how you used buttons on the holly leaves!

  24. I love making blocks with curved piecing right now. Thanks for the chance to win!

  25. I prefer to do mixed blocks. I love your block. The buttons are a nice touch.

  26. I love applique but the tiny circles make me crazy! Your buttons are the perfect solution. Please enter me in the draw.

  27. I prefer to piece, piece, piece--probably because I am never quite satisfied with my pathetic attempts to hand applique. (Love fusible applique!) I do like the idea of a mixed (pieced and applique) block, esp. if I can fuse the applique part!
    Your block looks very "do-able" for me, and I love the button idea! Thanks for the chance to possibly win 100 Blocks!

  28. I love piecing. But I have always been drawn to applique quilts first. I have an applique beside my chair always. I can see a cute Christmas wall hanging for all my family using this block... thank you

  29. I love the idea of buttons added to your Jolly Holly block - just in time for Christmas. My quilts are all pieced. Just not that experienced for applique, although I do admire the ideas. Just need to practice more. I really am eenjoying this tour. So many talented designers.


  30. I've only ever pieced quilt blocks, but after viewing some marvelous applique and combo blocks, I may just try them! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  31. Your deck the halls wall hanging is just too cute! Congratulations on your block. i like to piece and/or paper piece blocks. Applique is not usually my thing. Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. I prefer to piece - much faster, and I'm usually happier with my workmanship! Thanks for the chance to win!

  33. I am a piecemaker :-) I've not done much applique before but I'd love to learn. Love your block! I have so enjoyed the previous issues of 100 Blocks. And this one looks just as great! Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. Love your Christmas block. Congrats for having your block chosen!

  35. I get the most satisfaction from applique blocks but I am venturing into more "artsy" areas and I think a mixed block is in my future.

  36. My favorite block to make is pieced. But, I would love to do a little applique and your block is a perfect mix of the two! Congrats on getting into the magazine!

  37. I like th idea of buttons instead of appliqueing, it would speed up a xmas gift being done in a hurry. I like to do mostly pieced blocks, but a touch of applique here and there for accent occasionally, so your style suits me!

  38. My favorite type of block is applique with embrodiery, buttons, rick rack, ect. Congratulations on your block!

  39. Hi Sarah congratulations on a great block. I would love to win a copy of the magazine and have to tell you that I have loved applique for a very long time. I had a mentor named Vicky who started me out about 5 years ago and loved it ever since. Have a wonderful day and smile...

  40. I always seem to go for the more detailed work so, of course, I love applique. I was taught by a perfectionist way before rotary cutters and template plastic. It was three times the work to do it the way Mary Coyne Penders taught me. Hmmmm, I think I'm getting all fired up about applique all over again!

  41. I have only done pieced blocks. I am try some appliqué wall hangings and hope to move on to doing blocks in the next year.

  42. i'm a pieced block person. your blocks are so pretty and inspire me to make some holiday goodies!

  43. congrats on your very cute block being in the magazine.
    My favorite type of block to do is applique.

  44. I love to make pieced blocks with applique accents. I'd love to win the magazine.

  45. This block is sweet and I love the wallhanging. I like any block I can hand piece or hand applique!

  46. I tend to be shy about applique work and envy those who do it! I usually select pieced blocks with minimal applique.

  47. Your block is great! I really don't prefer one particular method, I love it all!

  48. My favorite quilting technique is paper piecing. I love representational blocks - shoes, houses, trees.
    Candy Soehren at

  49. Hi, I felt the "Joy" from your is good to have fun while doing the thing you love..I guess that comes from becoming accomplished at it too. I am still quite a novice but have really enjoyed learning to hand piecing and applique.

  50. I love all types of quilting. I always have hand applique work to take with me, and machine work when home. Thank you for sharing.

  51. Thanks for the idea for using some of my button stash.

  52. I like the combination blocks of piecing and applique. Congratulations on having your blockchoosen.

  53. I like pieced blocks, but I think I may have to branch out into applique soon. Both of the blocks you show on your blog today are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing!

  54. I am really enjoying the blog tour and my favorite block is pieced. i have not found an applique yet that i can make look nice, but i keep trying.

  55. Cute block! I love making pieced blocks but also do needle-turn applique.

  56. Paper piecing! I love the detail you can achieve!
    I love the way you've framed the poinsetta!

  57. I always love to put buttons to my quilts, I think they look cute with them, my favorite quilt block has to be the paper piecing or the one you need to measure everything, I could die for them, lol

  58. I am a mixed up kinda gal!!!! LOL. I like pieced blocks with some applique touches and I am sure not afraid to put a few buttons or yo-yos on for good measure.

  59. My favorite to sew are the pieced blocks but my favorite to sit and admire are the applique. (I do enjoy applique - but am so slow at it!) I really like your block with the buttons and applique and the other with fuzzy cutting. Also I didn't know you were suppose to sew on the button after quilting! I just quilt around them. Thanks for the give away.

  60. I've only done pieced so far...but am exploring appliqué. I have a feeling I'll end up being a mixed kinda girl! (Like a my cooking...a little of this, a sprinkle of that....)

    Congrats on being in the 100.....and i have to say....LOVE the buttons! What a cool texture addition!

  61. I love to applique so that I don't have to make sure my points match!
    I'm going to look into your liberated churn dash tutorial - I think it would make a great kid's quilt with a feature fabric in the center for our guild's hospital work.
    Thank you for the great block and design ideas.

  62. I like pieced blocks. I love your block because it is pretty and has the Christmas season in mind.

  63. It's been so much fun wondering around the blog-isphere looking at all the wonderful blocks! Thanks for the chance to win!

  64. I love piecing, its relaxing

  65. I'm bad - I like both - so I usually do a pieced block for the background and then add the applique to it. Congrats for making the cover - you're a cover girl now!

  66. I enjoy pieced and applique but I'm not so good at applique!!

  67. I prefer to make pieced blocks. Thanks for the giveaway!

  68. Cute block with infinite possibilities. Congratulations!

  69. Sarah I have to admit that I was not totally in love with your block when you said it was applique but then as I read farther you hooked me with the pointsettia pieced version. I definately would like to win a copy of the magazine so I can try out this block. Thanks for giving 2 option for making your block and for the chance to win a copy of the magazine.

  70. I like the whimsy of adding a bit of applique to pieced blocks! A lot of ideas flying through my head of possibilities with this Block.
    Thanks for a chance to win the Vol 4.

  71. What a sweet block. I love embellishments, too. I am a paper piecer and I shy away from applique.

  72. I probably love pieced and appliqué the best, but I usually prefer to make pieced.

  73. My favorite blocks to make are applique. thanks for a chance to win.

  74. Congratulations on making the 100!!!
    I'd love to win a copy of 100 Blocks volume 4.

  75. Oh Sarah....I really like your block and so happy it made the cover of the magazine!! I like mixed but do mostly pieced blocks...but seeing the holly applique reminds me of how much I love to do applique and really like the look of applique!! I can't wait to get this magazine!!

  76. I love doing the pieced blocks. I sew quilt tops for World of Charity Stitching and we incorporate cross stitch with pieced blocks for residents of nursing homes.

  77. Cute block--I really like the mix of piecing and appliqué although I have to admit, I'm a pieced block kinda girl. I love appliqué but get impatient with the amount of time it takes?

  78. Congratulations on your lovely Christmas block! The addition of buttons really makes it cute, I think.
    My favorite type of blocks are pieced. I just love the geometry of putting pieced blocks together.
    Linda in Southern Illinois

  79. I love to piece and applique but I'm also loving to add hand embroidery blocks to my quilting.

  80. Great magazine!
    jbquilt43 at yahoo dot com

  81. I'm a dedicated piecing type person, what can I say?

  82. I can't wait to get the magazine. Your block is really a great one.

  83. I like all kinds of blocks but my favorite has a combination of piecing and applique together! Love your block and its versatility.

  84. Very cute block and so appropriate for this time of year! I love all kinds of blocks but I think applique is first, then paper peicing then regular peicing. Maybe I would like peicing better if I was good at it! Need to take more classes. Thanks for the chance!

  85. Hi... I have to say that my favorite blocks to make are pieced blocks, but I do enjoy applique as well. I guess it just depends on my mood at the time.

  86. Very cute block. I can't wait until the day after Thanksgiving -- that's the first day my husband will allow Christmas music in the house, lol.

  87. Pieced blocks are my favorite so far just because I have not tried anything else yet. Soon I want to learn to do applique.

  88. I love applique, and I really love buttons! A cute pattern to combine both. Thanks for a chance to win.

  89. Afraid I don't have a favorite block, yet. I'm so new to quilting that I have not yet tried applique - just pieced. I do love the looks of applique and yours is one I might tackle cuz I love Christmas!! I'd rather the stores wait until after Thanksgiving to start the Christmas songs. But, your quilt is darling and all I can say is, "Fa La La!"

  90. I'm not much for constant Christmas carols but I love your Christmas blocks.

  91. I started out as strictly a piecer, but am falling in love with mixed blocks.

    I love the buttons on your block! Such a cute touch.

  92. I tend to stay away from the "A" word unless it's done by machine, so piecing is definitely my favorite. Thanks for a chance to win,

  93. Love the block !!! Can't wait for the magazine.

  94. That block is so christmasy! I love it.

  95. I love pieced blocks. And the way you can arrange the blocks differently to come up with whole new designs. Congrats on being in the 100 Block issue!

  96. I loved piecing. However, I've just learned to hand applique and really enjoy it, so I'm thinking more appliqued blocks are in my future!

  97. Your Jolly Holly sure does make one feel festive. The button emblishment versus applique makes it quick too! My favorite is paper piecing and a close second is simply making HSTs...lots of them and in the finished size range of say 2" :)! Thanks for a chance to win. Sandi

  98. My current desire is to do a pieced with applique quilt. I love your City Girl Holiday block, it's very festive.

  99. My favorite quilt block is peiced. Thanks for the chance to win. Love your block.

  100. I love to make pieced blocks by machine and applique blocks by hand. It really depends on what the quilt is really. I love your block with holly leaves, it is just right for the season.

  101. This is an easy question. I love piecing blocks! Thanks for sharing your block in Vol. 4!

  102. I love both pieced and appliqued blocks, but I think pieced wins by a nose!

  103. My favorite kind of block to put together is...applique! So I'm so happy to see you've designed an applique block, and one for Christmas no less! Thank you for sharing!

  104. I like to add both elements in a quilt. so I guess I'm mixed.

  105. My actual fave is paper-pieced. But I do all of the kinds.

  106. I like pieced blocks the best. They get finished faster.

  107. oooh so hard to choose......I love ALL types of blocks for all types of reasons...I guess being a gemini, I've got to try everything!!!! LOL
    thanks for the chance to win a copy and congrats on your fab block in 100 Blocks!
    sugary hugs
    wendy :O)

  108. I actually love all kinds of blocks - but if I HAVE TO CHOOSE I guess I will say pieced!

    Congrats on being in the book - love your BUTTONS on your block!

    sao in MIdlothian, VA

  109. My favorite blocks are pieced, but I am trying to learn how to applique! Love your block with the buttons and holly; really cute!

  110. Pieced blocks are my favorites to make. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of this magazine.

  111. Congrats on being in the issue AND being on the cover! :) Great block! I really enjoy piecing, but I have started doing a little applique.

  112. Beautiful block! I like the challenge of a bit of applique on a pieced block. Tamsyn

  113. Pieced blocks are my favorite, but I love traditional looking quilts most!! I am learning a little applique work but I love looking at it more than doing it!!

  114. Your block is awesome! Listening to holiday music is a great way to get into the spirit. Congratulaions on having your block in Quiltmaker. Right now I'm into applique but I also enjoy doing piece work. Keeps me balanced. hehe.

    Thanks for the giveaway and a chance to win.


  115. I am a great piecer-getting them quilted and bound sometimes presents a problem. :( Love to do scrappy quilts best and have several in process at all times.

    Bev (

  116. I love all blocks. Lately, I've been doing more applique and embroidery on blocks. Thanks for the chance to win.

  117. I like pieced blocks, but I'm about to dive into applique, so that may change. Thanks.

  118. How much fun is that holly! I love piecing and foundation piecing (using Peggy Martin's quick-strip foundation method). I love diamonds and stars. I recetly did a Laurel Wreath in different colors of red for the diamonds, and it turnedout like a poinsettia!

  119. I'm loving the blog hop. Thanks for showing two versions of your block. I am a piecer, not an appliquer, so the second one I could do with no problem!

  120. I think your block is adorable. My favorite quilting technique is piecing - by machine. Second is hand applique, but I don't do much of that. Thanks again. Judy W

  121. I like to do mixed quilting. Piecing and appliqué.
    Thanks for sharing your holly block, buttons are fun to add on a quilt.

  122. I enjoy traditional quilt blocks that are pieced. I do have a wool project I am slowly working on, that is my first at hand applique.

  123. beautiful blocks thank you for the giveaway.

  124. Ever since I got my new Bernina 820,I love making pieced blocks. For the first time blocks fit without fudging being necessary. I also enjoy applique and love the way you have used buttons. Hmm, I might have to try that. Thanks for the chance, Dianne

  125. I love your holly block it's cute and the words on the other one is too precious. I have to try that, I would love to win Vol #4 please enter me.

  126. I like both pieced and applique - although I'm beginning to do more

    nhsarab at yahoo dot com

  127. applique is my favorite! any kind, hand or machine, i love to do qpplique! like your pointsetta with the button berries! thanx for the opportunity to win a comy of this edition.

  128. Thank you for the giveaway. I enjoy making pieced blocks and do wish to learn applique. I like the hint about the buttons, and am one of those utilitarian people who cuts good ones off of old clothes! Buttons into the jar, clothes become cleaning rags. Congratulations on being published in QM 100 Blocks!

  129. I love doing applique and piecing. Your block is perfect for christmas, would make a nice lap quilt for the couch.


  130. Favourite type of quilt block to make ~ mixed; I like all sorts for different looks. Your block is perfect to use for the coming season.
    Thanks for sharing.

  131. Like to mix piecing and applique, but love doing applique. Therapy, you know. :o)


  132. What a cutee block you've created. I love the way you added the buttons on your Jolly Holly block. Super cute.

    My favorite way of quilting so far is up in the air. I've just taken my first beginning quilt piecing class in the past two months so that would be my favorite for now. I can do that for sure since I've learned it in class. The rest is still unknown as I've not done them. I do like the challenge of piecing and was super impressed that all my points matched perfectly in my very first table runner sampler quilt.

  133. Love your block! I love to make pieced blocks but would like to try some mixed soon. Thanks for the chance to win.

  134. I like to piece quilts, but have just recently learned to do hand applique. I believe it will be my new favorite once I have more time to spend on it. Thanks for the chance to win this terrific new magazine!!

  135. Love your block and congrats on being on the cover!!! Way to go, Sarah!

  136. I really prefer to piece a quilt, but one of the nicest I've made sofar ( the blocks are almost ready to be put in a quilt) is a combination of applique and piecing. I used blues and beiges with a hint of red as accent to make the blocks, and they really remind me of an era gone by

  137. I'm fairly new to quilting, so just brave enough to piece right now..but I'd LOVe to learn to applique..I've done some, when my girls were I think I could do it in quilting...congrats on getting on the cover!!...

  138. I mostly piece but this past year have tried hand applique. I really like the look of a block with soft colored piecing behind an applique. A subtle background really makes the applique pop.

  139. Lovely block -Thanks for the chance to win Vol 4. I love paper pieced blocks - they are so accurate.

  140. I like pieced blocks, but I am trying to learn applique. Nice block. Congratulations!

  141. Congrats on being included in the 100 AND on making the cover, Sarah! My favorite is Foundation Paper Piecing.

  142. Usually I like paper-piecing, but I like applique as well and have done more of that recently.

  143. love this block! one to add to my stack of must do's for sure

  144. I prefer pieced blocks. Applique is something I have tried a few times without much luck. I may give it another try though after seeing a number of block from this mag!

  145. My favorite blocks are pieced!
    I'm working on Bonnie Hunter's Cheddar bowties and Dear Jane blocks when I'm not working on customer quilts. I would love a copy of the magazine!

  146. I really enjoy pieced blocks with a little added applique, so this is right up my alley!
    Karen in Breezy Point

  147. I have a stash of buttons that I never know exactly what to do with. I love the idea of adding them to quilts!

  148. I haven't done any applique yet as I'm new to quilting and still learning to piece. I love your table runner. :)

  149. Right now I am into piecing - I can cut and chain-stitch away!

  150. I really like your block! You have done a great job!!!

  151. I'm still a piecer because I don't feel confident about applique, even though I admire all the work that goes into an appliqued quilt. Thanks for the giveaway!

  152. I'm a mixed up kind of em with a little of this and a little of that!

  153. Your block is so cute. I love the Christmas quilt. I like pieced blocks. I have not done much applique yet. Thank you for the give away.

  154. Thank you for sharing your block with all of us. I love applique blocks.

  155. Lovely fun block thanks for sharing it:)

  156. My favorite thing to work on is a traditional, pieced block. I'm just learning to hand applique, and see more of that in my future!

  157. Most of mine are pieced, but I'm going to try to step outside the comfort zone in 2012 and try all new techniques and yes, applique is on the to-do/bucket list :) Congrats on your block. I love it and can't get this blasted tune out of my head!!! (Have a holly jolly Christmas song)

  158. I am better at pieced but am working on my applique. I love both and my goal is to get better at both...and a better machine would be very helpful too :)

  159. I like pieced blocks, appliques scare me ;D
    Thanks for the chance!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!