
Monday, November 14, 2011

Design Wall for mid November

A super quick post today as I just got called in to work.

My design wall this week features some 5.5 inches unfinished log cabin blocks. They are my current 'leaders and enders' project.

Then I have up two blocks from the newest Quiltmaker's 100 Blocks, volume 4. The one on the left is block 369 by Debbie Bowles - it's on the front cover in blues and green. I thought I could cut it to look like holly? Not sure how successful I was.

The second block is MY block without the appliqued holly. I'm hoping to make a few more blocks so I can use them to chat about sashing {like I promised last week!}
Of course, I could always turn them into a set of placemats for a Christmas present. 

Doesn't November seem to get sucked into a void of sewing time! How come there's sooooo much other stuff to plan and prepare when there is so much sewing to do?!?LOL

Take a few stitches {and breaths!} today. 
Enjoy some more design walls up at Judy's link.

Hi Ho Hi Ho,
Sarah Vee


  1. Love your log cabin leader/ender blocks! And what fun you've been having playing with the new 100 Blocks! Have a great week -- I'm off to hit the sewing machine! :)

  2. Congratulations on having your block in the magazine! I missed the whole blog hop this issue due to life demands :( Sure do look forward to getting the new issue. I love all the variations you have created for your block!

  3. Beautiful blocks! I see some gorgeous quilts in your future...

    I'm having the same trouble here finding the time for it all. I can't believe it's Thanksgiving next week already! Good luck!

  4. Love your block! What a great way to show case some special fabric and duh, it isn't even all that hard to make flying geese. I couldn't find issue 4 today. Maybe next week it'll be available locally.


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