
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Quick Christmas Giveaway

Thanks to all for commenting on my 100 Blocks Giveaway. My winner has been contacted by email. I'll let you know once I hear back:)

I did get the chance to finish adding some more holly and joining my la-la's together.

Just in the nick of time too! My husband's dad is coming for a quick family Christmas - today!

What's a quilter to do with an unfinished quilt top?

 Make it do, of course! I used some red bias binding from Granny's stash {probably intended for placemats decades ago} and some clips.  I weaved the bias through the clips and over and under a curtain rod and it's up!

It's a little wavy, but I tried to put lots of clips so it wouldn't stress my seams too much. This is where I intend to hang the quilt when it's done, too. I am adding a bit more border, but it fits great!
This is the nook of space in my house I think about when I plan wall hangings - I love this spot:)

Quick Giveaway to Get you Ready for Christmas

Leave me a comment to win one of my patterns.
Click the link to see them.
Just tell me which one would help
you get ready for Christmas
and I'll send you the pdf copy of it.

If downloading patterns isn't in your comfort zone,
tell me that in your comment too. 
I am thinking about offering hard copies {real paper mailed to you!} soon.

You have this weekend to enter. 
Comments close when my in-laws leave 
Sunday at NOON EST.

Pumpkin Pie - baked.
Chocolate Zucchini cake - baked.
Quilts hung - check!
I'm ready - my husband can figure out dinner:)

Let Christmas and the Giveaway begin:)

EDITED TO ADD: My company has left and Sharon is my winner! I've emailed her. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. 

With JOY,
Sarah Vee


  1. I Love your selvedge pillow! Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Yup-I also love your Selvage Pillow cover pattern, very creative, thanks.

  3. Great holiday quilt. In your patterns the selvage pillow is my fave. It turned out super cute.

  4. I like your quilted placemat pattern!

  5. Fa La La is my pick. They are all nice but that's the one that spoke to me.

  6. Morning I love the Fa La La pattern well they are all cute....Have a great holiday season..

  7. I like the pillow cover. love the quilt you hung even if it was not finished.

  8. I think Fa La La would help me get ready for Christmas.

  9. Love the pillow pattern!

  10. Yeah Sarah thank you so much for the pdf pattern...I have responded to your email with my email addy....I will post when it is complete.....Happy holidays.

  11. Thanks again Sarah for the Quiltmaker's 100 block magazine. I received it and am enjoying it! I blogged about it...with a link to your blog!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!