
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Mogli Green

My beloved helper has passed on.

I think he enjoyed sitting on almost finished quilts almost as much as jumping between the sheets while I made the bed.

Perfect cat timing.

 Rest in Peace, Mogli.

Sept. 1994 - February 2012


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. We just lost one of our family's fur-members last month, and it's awful. {{{}}}

  2. Sarah, I'm so sorry to here of Mogli's passing. He was a great cat and we'll miss him when we visit. Hopefully he is having all the catnip he wants with Rosie, Yazmin and Betty in Kitty heaven.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear this. :( Animals become family members and it's so hard to lose them. Prayers for you. Looks like he lived a wonderful life with his favorite quilter. xo

  4. My sympathies to you for the passing of this sweet quilt asssistant. 18 years of a wonderful life. Remember the good times. Miss Puss is turning 13 this year and I can tell she is slowing down. I hope she has another 5 to make memories with us. Hugs Janet

  5. Sorry to hear about your beloved cat. May your cat rest in peace at the rainbow bridge with many of mine too. My last one that went was only 6 and had to be put down on Valentines day 4 years ago. Glad you got 18 wonderful years with yours.

  6. So very sorry to hear of your loss of a dear friend companion and assistant in Mogli who is safe in the care of his maker. Praying for comfort for your heart. Grace:( weftandwarp(at)hotmail(dot)com

  7. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my dog, Isis Dreamweaver this month,, I know how you must be hurting.

  8. I just read you post today and apologize for the late comment. I am so sorry for your loss of a beloved family member. That is what my cat is to me, he is 12 and I know the time is coming. Mogli lived a long life and I hope he did not suffer much. My thoughts are with you.


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