
Monday, March 5, 2012

Little Leaps of Joy

I did a wee little bit of fabric shopping on Leap Day. 
One of my favourite Canadian online shops was having a sale.

I was lucky enough to spy some Melissa Averinos fabric.
Love the possibilities here.

I think it's going to play nicely with my Madhatter Tea Party blocks. 
{freebie from Pat Sloan}

 My heart did a little leap when I saw this fabric still in the online store.
I love this line from Denyse Schmidt.
Hope Valley.

I needed some little sewing to get me focused again.

blessings basket

I think I took a little leap into this mini quilt

Everyone in my family said it looked like a coaster!
Here's the block beside a coaster from my sister.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee

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