
Monday, May 7, 2012

May Dreamboard - Blooming

Jamie had two prompts for this month's Full Flower Moon:

How would you like to bloom?

Who are you when you're in full bloom?

I think my board answers the second question. 
 I'm still searching for the right environment to bloom fully. 
 I have started to take better care of my inner garden - 
pulling weeds {thoughts} 
and adding nutrients {chewing bubblegum and some Danielle LaPorte!}.

Lots of favourite images in this one and some discoveries to await.

The phrase "Playful Modern" was on the back of a magazine page that I had pulled with different paint colours on it. Needless to say, the phrase - in orange, no less! - made it to the front of my board.

See how other dreamers are blooming this month through the comments in this post at Jamie's blog.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee

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