
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

New Pattern Giveaway

I'm happy to say that I finally finished my pattern for the Liberated Churn Dash QUILT!
It's been tested for accuracy and up for sale right here.

I'm giving away one copy of the pattern to one lucky commenter on this post!
It is a downloadable pattern, so with no shipping, the giveaway is open to all of my readers.

Leave a comment telling me what kind of project(s) 
you are working on this summer. 
They can be quilt related - or not!
Comments open until NOON {EDT} Lucky Friday, July 13th

You can get a second chance by blogging about the giveaway with a link back to this post and leaving another comment.

Do you Facebook? You could link to this post and leave another comment for another chance.

Giveaway is now CLOSED! Thanks for entering!

Good Luck!

Sarah Vee


  1. I've had my eye on this pattern for ages. It would be great to win it.
    This summer I'm learning Shashiko embroidery so I can do it in the one a/c room I have.

  2. Interesting pattern! I haven't seen something like this before.

  3. Love this Quilt...your work is great I would love to get back into Quilting..but my cards are taking up alot of time...So as for projects that I am working on it is my never ending list of cards...maybe it I win this would be a great pattern to start with..well I will keep my fingers crossed..thks for sharing

  4. Love your pattern, I am fairly new to quilting and would love to give this as try.

  5. Such a creative and fun pattern!

  6. Churn Dash is one of my favorite paterns, and this one is so COOL!
    I have been working on some applique blocks~~an easy take along
    project. Thanks for the chance
    to win!!


  7. wonderful, Sarah! I hope to get some UFO's done this summer....hoping!

  8. I was thinking about your Liberated Churn Dash tutorial last night. I'd love to win a copy of the pattern. And how generous of you to leave the original tute up.

    wordygirl at earthlink dot net

  9. Whoops--I got distracted by the All Star Game. This is my summer to finish up some WIPs and create some mini quilts. So far, so good.

  10. Congratulations! I have been wanting to do this quilt ever since I saw it and you were nice enough to share some of your scraps with me. :)

    I've been working on a black and white quilt for my husband. Two more borders and it will be ready for the quilter! Woo hoo!

    Sandy A

  11. Love the secondary design I see in the pattern.. I am working on making wonky blocks after years of straight and even.
    Wow, how liberating!!!

  12. I started a scrappy star quilt a couple of days ago and have almost all 30 blocks done. I think I have 4 more to do. Then I started a quilt along that is quilting and crocheting. And I joined the group that will be making the tetris quilt. I am also doing the quilt gallery's beginner quilting blocks. Gee, I have a lot of projects going at once. And I am sure that there are more but I can't think of them right now.

  13. My biggest project this summer is a move from Florida to Colorado - now that we're here, our old house needs to sell so we can buy a house here! Around house-hunting and new-city exploring, I'm working on catching up my Dear Jane and finishing the tops for my Glacier Star and my Coral Encounter. :) As everything else is in storage, I'm going to need another sewing project soon. I just LOVE your Liberated Churn Dash> :D

  14. Love your Liberated Churn Dash! Very cool! I have several projects that I am working on, Takes Two Quilt, Building Houses quilt, Civil War Diary Quilt just to name a few. Happy quilting!

  15. I've also linked this to my facebook page :)

  16. Wow, this quilt is just too fun!

    I'm finishing up a couple of projects for my guild's quilt show, then I'm beginning both the Super Mario and Tetris QALs. (What can I say, I love video games!)

  17. You said this quilt was sewn together in panels so we could quilt it on our home sewing machine. That is exactly what I'd love to do, so I must have your instructions, please and thank you.
    This summer I am painting my kitchen and having hardwood installed and kitchen flooring replaced, then sewing.

  18. What a great pattern!
    This summer I'm finishing my latest charity quilt and then I'm off for a 3 day workshop with Ineke Berlyn

  19. I just finished a Red and White Churn Dash quilt, well almost, it just needs the binding but it's certainly not liberated!

  20. Love your pattern. I'm working on a queen size quilt for our bed. Thanks for the giveaway.

  21. I would love to win your pattern, I have some batiks that would be perfect. Working on a baby quilt for a shower present. Thanks for all your inspiration.

  22. Love the churndash pattern! Am presently working on 2 shirts, and a couple of curtains for my house!
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. Wow this is a really pretty quilt. Ill bet your husband loves it.
    quilting dash lady at comast dot net

  24. I LOVE that pattern, and the quilt is on my to-do list. I just got finished making a denim & plaid shirt quilt, it's going to Alaska to my brothers house. I am going to start a basic squares patch quilt for a wedding in early Sept.
    ** Caroline **

  25. Our current project has nothing to do with sewing. boo hoo! We are working away at the new house to get wooden flooring down before we move in. And then, well, it's the hard work of moving! :-)

  26. I am working on a blanket for my first grand nephew and one for my friend with dog paw prints on it they are both very cute. Thank you for the give away chance Becky

  27. Oh goodness, I am on project overload for the summer.
    1) double wedding ring quilt top for our lake house
    2) putting a back on a yo-yo quilt top for a friend
    3) finishing my Love Letters BOM
    4) working at our lake house because it is new to us and has a ton of work

    Love the pattern and quilt you made.

  28. What a cool quilt!! I'm sewing kids clothes this summer... shorts, pjs, shirts. The list just keeps going. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  29. What a neat pattern. Great looking quilt! I have several classes and groups each month. I'm working on a civil war quilt, General's Wives, an applique BOM, two embroidery groups, a snowman quilt and tea towels, a hand piecing BOM, another BOM and if that wasn't keeping me busy enough, I signed up for a scrappy log cabin quilt class and another embroidery class doing Gardener's Alphabet. Oh and I have a few dresses and some shorts to sew for charity.

    Thank you for a great giveaway and a chance to win.


  30. I love this pattern! Would love to win...thanks for the chance. While I love liberated quilting, right now I have raw edge applique house blocks ready to hand quilt with perle cotton!!

  31. Isn't it just great to be liberated! We do not have to do it by the book anymore! We can be fun quilters and no quilt police!

  32. For this summer I have promised to make deacon stoles for a friend who is being ordained in February. They will be quilt as you go layering. Need one each white, blue, green, red, purple, and pink for the seasons of the church year.

  33. Wait do not use that Bias Tape :) in another 20 years it will be an antique and you could sell it on e-bay for big bucks!!! ROFLOL

  34. Love the pattern kinda looks like one I did years ago when I first started would love to see and and the pattern on purpose.Thank-you for the give away. Becky

  35. I love coming across the older supplies etc there is always so much anticipation open it dont open it. It is so nice to come across a piece of the past that way. and again thank-you for the pattern give away chance. Becky


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