
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Anna's Song - Process Post

I finally cut into this half yard print my sister gave me. I cut 6, 10 inch squares.

This summer my sewing space has been shrunk into the laundry room. I'm not really complaining as I think the trick to a studio vs. space is a DOOR that SHUTS! Here is another advantage - the top of my dryer works as a great prep station.

Believe it or not, I'm using the cutoff strips from my Liberated Churn Dash quilt for this project. This is the backing fabric and the strips were cut off when I joined the panels of the quilt.  I'm also only using the strips that are cut with short stripes on them - the bottom ones in this photo. The rest I have set aside for my Trust Joy panel still. Waste not, want not!

I had a couple of ideas that I wanted to try when I started cutting. First I really liked the challenge of layering a print on top of a print. A little wild, I know. Several times I resisted looking for a solid to add or to at least separate the blocks with some white. But, I wanted this to be quick - no second guessing.

I knew I wanted to do this free form cutting similar to the wonky crosses by Elizabeth Hartman. 

My first block I trimmed before making a second {oops!} and it wasn't quite big enough.  I ended up adding some strips to build it up to 10 inches square.

I also wanted to try making the outside border an extension of the inside blocks. I made only 4 blocks and then cut my remaining 2, 10 inch blocks into 2 inch strips.

A family friend and close neighbour just passed away after 6 long months of trying to recover from lung surgery. She was a shy, feisty German lady of 80. This final combination of frenzied prints remind me of her.  It measures approximately 25" x 26".

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. You are so brave for cutting into it, I don't think I could... although I love what you did.

  2. That's really groovy. :) Hey - working in your laundry room, do you have any problems with lint? Any tips for handling that factor?


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!