
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Quick Tablerunner - Chain Piecing

 Welcome to Part 3 of making this quick tablerunner. I think it's taken me longer to edit photos and write directions than make one!
Part 1 guides you through picking out fabrics.
Part 2 shows you how to cut out your pieces.

Now it's time to start sewing. Part of the reason this tablerunner comes together so quickly is using the following method to make the flying geese units. Fast geese is how I've heard it termed. It's not my technique, but I love it because there is no fabric waste and you make 4 units at a time!

You will need all 3 - 7 3/8 inch squares and all 12 - 4 inch squares.
The main fabric 4 inch squares will be sewn to the 7 3/8 complement square
and the 4 inch complement squares will be sewn to the 7 3/8 main fabric square.

Using the photo above, place one main fabric 4 inch square, RIGHT SIDE DOWN, on top of the complement 7 3/8 square, RIGHT SIDE UP.
The diagonal line you drew should line up with the corner.

Place a second 4 inch main fabric square, RIGHT SIDE DOWN over the bottom right corner. Line up the diagonal line with the corner AND the diagonal line of your first square. You'll see here that I like to stick in a pin to keep the squares lined up while I move pieces to the sewing machine.

Following the same process, assemble 2 more sewing units using the remaining 2 - 7 3/8 inch main fabric squares. Line up 2 - 4 inch complement squares on each the same way we did here.

Now we sew!
As you can see in the photo above, you will sew down each side of the drawn diagonal line. Use the drawn line as your 1/4 inch seam guide. I have a little line on my presser foot that makes a perfect 1/4 inch if I keep everything lined up with it!

Sew down both sides of the diagonal line on all 3 sets.

Cut your sets apart on the drawn line.

Press seams towards the small triangles.

Place a 4 inch square {that matches the small triangles on your unit - in this case, a square of complement fabric} RIGHT SIDE DOWN with the diagonal line in the corner and between the space of the two small triangles. 

Prep your remaining units in the same manner, making sure the square you add matches the small triangles.

Sew down each side of the diagonal line on each unit.

Cut apart on drawn line.
Repeat for each set.

Press seams toward small triangle.

You should have 4 flying geese units with the Main fabric as the 'goose' as in the photo above,
and 8 flying geese units with the Complementary fabric as the 'goose'.

HOMEWORK - Trimming

My least favourite thing in quilting - trimming! But I am learning that it is worth it to take the time to make sure your blocks are all the same size before you start sewing them together. Should be obvious, I know, but I used to spend a lot of time fudging or lining up mismatched points and edges while sewing - using up precious dreamy assembly quilting time with fidgety hits and misses. 
Trim, Trim, TRIM!

 I've made 3 of these tablerunners and didn't have to trim any units on the first, a few on this one, and almost all on the last! It depends on your line drawing accuracy, sewing accuracy and variances in fabric thicknesses.
All of your units need to measure 3 1/2 inches wide by 6 1/2 inches long.
I've shared a few trimming tips in the photo. You will want to trim all of the 'dog ears', the seams that stick out at the corners. When you do this at the triangle point, be sure to leave 1/4 inch of your small triangle fabric on the block to be taken up in the seam allowance. Otherwise when you sew, you will lose the tip of your triangle into the seam.
If your block is wider than 3 1/2 inches, cut most of the excess from the wide side of the 'goose' triangle - see photo - for the same reason, keep that point!

Okay, trim your units and I'll see you back here soon to finish the tablerunner!

With Joy,
Sarah Vee

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