
Monday, October 1, 2012

Dreamboard - Full Corn Moon

This month the surprise came for me as I was gluing the pieces onto my dreamboard.

I had *planned* to glue the word DIG and the word ESCAPE with the other side showing. Both were long phrases - one about finding self expression, one with a vision of a houseful of people gathering. Instead the single, succinct words made it to the front. 

As I sit with this board already things are coming up for me. Sitting on the front porch drinking my coffee this morning the word DIG brought up some Ani DiFranco lyrics from her song, Fuel:

"Am i headed for the same brick wall
is there anything i can do about
anything at all?
except go back to that corner in Manhattan
and dig deeper, dig deeper this time
down beneath the impossible pain of our history
beneath unknown bones
beneath the bedrock of the mystery
beneath the sewage systems and the path drain
beneath the cobblestones and the water mains
beneath the traffic of friendships and street deals
beneath the screeching of kamikaze cab wheels
beneath everything i can think of to think about
beneath it all, beneath all get out
beneath the good and the kind and the stupid and the cruel
there's a fire just waiting for fuel"
{lyrics found online here:}

I know that in the front of my mind I am thinking about settling back into my home since we didn't move. . . But I know that in the back of mind there has been a lot of thinking about 
raising my vibration
getting back to writing

 and with the synchronicities from Naomi Dunford {of ittybiz}, Danielle LaPorte, and SARK, I am feeling grateful for this monthly process - and searching for an empty notebook!

Jamie Ridler hosts this wonderful monthly dreaming. Check out the other dreamboards this month.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. I resonated with how you describe what you originally thought would be on the board and then what wound up on it, and how you find messages in that. Thanks for sharing your board and the inspiring links - I want to take a look at them. All the best wishes for your dreams to come true.

  2. Amazing what comes out on our boards. May all your dreams come true.

  3. There are days when everything comes together. :)


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!