
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Spreading Hope and Joy

I have one corner of this wallhanging machine quilted. Much more has been going on in my life and the world since I started this one.

The Superstorm Sandy has left many on the east coast of both Canada and the United States, and other small island nations with less. Less material goods. Less shelter. Michelle at the Quilting Gallery is starting up a block drive. Click to Michelle's Sandy Quilt Block Drive to find out more and see if you can help out. There are links to other drives at the link too.

 Victoria is helping out with BASICS in New York. Click over to Victoria's blog Bumble Beans Basics to check out this opportunity to donate.

If you can help in this way, please do. It's that time of year when extending charity to our communities is encouraged. Maybe there is someone/something closer to home where you can spread some Joy. Foodbanks, winter clothing donations, gifts for less fortunate children, donations to local animal shelters, red cross, etc. The list is long. The need is great. Nothing is too small a gesture of love.

Touch the world with your talents!
Sarah Vee


  1. Thanks for the links Sarah. I donated quilts to Victoria in New York earlier this year and will try to send some more. And the blocks look simple enough I think anyone could make some. Glad I've been organizing my scraps.

  2. we are helping many children as well as prayers since this has all started.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!