
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Time to BEGIN a Finish

It's almost here! 2013. Hard to believe it's been a whole year since I started focusing on the word PLAY. I think I was pretty successful, but it's a hard thing to measure. Do you pick a word to focus on for the year? Can you guess mine for 2013?

Before 2013 arrives it's time to party at Pat Sloan's New Year's Eve Luau. You can join us over at her forum. My New Year's quilting tradition is to pick one quilt that I want finished before next year. My Happiness Key wallhanging is the lucky winner this year. I am close to done - just need to finish quilting it!

Can you see the pies?

I quilted in 10 pies yesterday. I trace the template on freezer paper then iron it onto the quilt. Using a smaller stitch length I added the pies, using different colour thread. This photo shows one pie quilted onto the sail and another still waiting to be quilted.

Do you quilt yourself into the New Year?

Sarah Vee

1 comment:

  1. Oh! So you quilt right through the freezer paper? And the smaller stitches let the paper just pull right off?


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