
Saturday, January 5, 2013

A border and a White Pumpkin

I've added the border to this block, which is actually Block 13 (not 11 as in previous post). The pattern makes it easy to add the border so that I can quilt as I go. This will be one panel. It measures 25" x 25". 

This is Block 11 - the white pumpkin! 

I'm so thrilled to be finally working on this quilt. I've discovered that adding the half triangle borders is not a great after dinner sewing plan - unless I want to unpick as many seams as I sew! 

Now I have enough different pieces to sew - like ALL of the black and tan half square triangle blocks - that I will stick to easy stitching after dinner and save the directionally challenging bits for earlier in the day. 

Or maybe just on weekends!

With Joy,
Sarah Vee

1 comment:

  1. You know, I totally need a Halloween quilt, and I was just thinking today, "Now *who* was working on that one really cool one?" ;D This was the one! lol Glad you posted so now I can search out the pattern.


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