
Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Visual Project List Board

I came up with this idea for a way to keep track of what I'm working on. I was inspired by Jamie Ridler's board here Getting Things Done Creatively.
I'm also inspired by Pat Sloan revving up her UFO Busting Tips and Techniques again.

Soooo this is what I did:

I used a quilt page from an old quilt calendar as my board.
I made little cards, folded, with the name of the project on the outside.

Inside each project card, I have written down what things I still need to get and what steps are left to do for the project. 

Now instead of having to keep a mental list of what I should be finishing, or searching for a list of my priorities, OR jumping on board to start something new!!!, I can look at this board and SEE what I'm committed to completing!

Once the board is FULL so is my quilting plate, so to speak{grin}
There are a few more cards on the board now - some are gifts so I don't want to reveal them yet!

Let's just say I have a pretty plate of possibilities in front of me for the next few months.

with Joy,
Sarah Vee

p.s. This post has been so popular that I went and made an extra special pdf of
 How to Make a Visual Project List Board for you!

It includes templates of common types of quilt projects that need to get finished - like block of the months and quilts with borders. I included blank templates for you to customize for your own projects. It includes this colour photo of my Liberated Churn Dash QUILT that you can use as your board - so you can get started right after you print it out:)

Follow this link - sign up to my newsletter - and receive your pdf to start visually organizing your to make list! 


  1. Cute idea Sarah! I might just have to steal that!

  2. Can I assume that a gift for your soon-to-be nephew is one of the cards you can't reveal yet :)?
    I like your idea and your stickers.

  3. this is a great idea. thanks for sharing.

  4. I love that idea. I am definitely copying it. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. I think you should come to my house and do that for me=)

  6. That's a great idea.... certainly prettier than the printed list I have taped to my wall!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!