
Monday, January 28, 2013

Christmas Gifts Received

I thought I'd better share my Christmas goodies - before I start getting birthday ones!!

My dad picked out this stash of fat quarters for me. Several wrapped other gifts, and some were a gift on their own. I definitely have some more pinks to play with now! Thanks, dad!

I got myself this bundle of fat quarters. I love this line. I would buy more, but I have indulged in Rock and Romance and well, there's really only so much time to make things! Still, this is 'hoard worthy' in case you are the type!

I picked up this Milky Way tin in a used clothing store when I was home for Christmas. It says 1997 on it. I guess it's getting close to vintage!

I didn't take any pictures, but I did receive a beautiful shawl from my sister. You need to go back to this JULY post to see my Sarah shawl. I love it!

Okay, that's it for now. That's plenty. I'm always grateful when my stash and inspiration get replenished.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee

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