
Friday, February 1, 2013

First UFO Finish of 2013 - Folk Art Garden

My first UFO finish of 2013!
I'm delighted, and relieved. This quilt has been in the works for a while, and then sat for a bit longer. Thanks to Pat Sloan and her UFO tips, I got focused again this year on COMPLETING projects.
I have started an official bucket list for quilts too - but that's a different story.

My visual project list board has been a great incentive and motivator. I've already completed 2 projects listed, changed one, and now added a new one. 

Enjoying the feeling of an accomplishment this morning as I endure the endless snow days around here!
The kids have been home since TUESDAY!

Funny thing is, I still managed to get this quilt done this week - and then some.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. It's a sweet little quilt! Who wouldn't love the kitty? :) Love your visual project board, too.

  2. this is very cute. it feels good to get something finished and see the wonderful end result.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!