
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sneaking in Sewing on Saturday Night

I've been wanting to get back to these blocks for awhile now. It's Pat Sloan's Madhatter Tea Party challenge blocks from several years ago now. {You can still find it on Pat Sloan's free pattern page}

My sewing space is in the family room downstairs where my daughter was having  a sleepover last  night. So I grabbed my bagged up UFO and some supplies and retreated to my bedroom.
 I laid the finished blocks on my bed and decided I like this layout of offsetting the outside blocks.

 I'm now thinking about adding some cake stand blocks in the four corners.
 Or crazy pieced blocks from the leftover fabrics.
 Or half churn dashes. . .
 Guess I haven't decided!!

Here's a photo of my mini ironing board set up on my dresser.
 I even dusted before quilting in here! LOL

I got two blocks planned, traced, cut and fused.

Now I have something ready for handstitching!

With Joy,
Sarah Vee

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!