
Friday, April 19, 2013

A Productive Prep Day

I spent a day moving some projects forward. This pieced backing is for a gift that I hope to have finished next month. Waiting for thread to arrive to begin the quilting.

I moved my cutting supplies up to the dining room, partly to enjoy the sunny day, but also because I was waiting for some fish to arrive in the mail. It turned out that the fish were delivered to our postal box instead! But my time was productive none the less.

It was definitely time to tame the scrap bin.

I need a few more dozen mini spool blocks for my Quilty Barn wallhanging.

This is a good start!

My baggie of selvages was also overflowing. 
I found a quilt idea in this book by Karen Snyder.

Selvages cut to the required length. Wish I had time to start this project as I can already see the wallhanging complete! Maybe I can sneak it in somewhere. . .

Next month I can update you on my Visual Project List Board. Several projects are complete but also gifts!

Torrential rain outside as I sign off. Hope all are staying safe and dry this spring!

With Joy,
Sarah Vee

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