
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Getting Ready for the End of Google Reader

Somehow it is almost July! The long approaching end to Google Reader for following blogs will be coming soon. There are a few options out there for how to keep your current list of blogs and of course, add new ones.  I'm trying out to follow blogs. But most I know are trying out Bloglovin. I've added the "Follow me on Bloglovin'" button on the right hand sidebar of my blog. Click on that to signup with Bloglovin' and all of your blogs in your Google Reader can be transferred over easy peasy. They can with feedly too, I just haven't figured out how to add a follow me button from there (yet).

Another option is you can LIKE me on Facebook. Through Bloglovin' my posts here will be uploaded to Facebook too so you won't miss a post. You can click over from there to get the full blog viewing experience:) If you LIKE me on Facebook today, you will see the above picture already uploaded - and then this post, so I guess a double whammy photo today LOL

Besides the challenge of change with Google Reader, it's almost end of school and the challenge of keeping kids entertained is upon many of us. For me that means switching over to a lot of handwork with low expectations for long periods of time in my sewing space. But you never know. Best to be prepared! Today I have a basket ready for some handwork on the porch. Some fusible pieces to cut out and a little embroidery to try out too.

What changes are you anticipating/facing with your quilting time?

With Joy,
Sarah Vee

1 comment:

  1. sarah...when you have a moment.. would you pls drop me a note and explain to me what is happening??? I am not very techsavvy and when things change I get very flustered. I was in a panic this morning when I signed on and all my blogs that I follow had disappeared! my solution was to log off and log back on and miraculously everything went back to normal... but it really scared me. If this is all going to change I really need to know hat to do! THanks.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!