
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Home Again, Home Again

Summer is over for me!
We did get to spend some time at my parent's trailer and enjoyed a few boat rides.

It's off to Teacher's College for me. I won't be able to post as much as I am used to, but hopefully I will still get some quilting done.

I did get my August dreamboard made. The bottom right pattern is a little bag - I am curious to see if I will find anything to put in it. Or rather, what will find me? (surely something more exciting than receipts for textbooks!)

It's always fun and reaffirming for me when quotes or images on my dreamboard show up in the real world. One of my professors almost said this exact phrase last week.
That kayaker? I think she's daring me forward!
The tree is reminding me I am now in a different season of my life - back in school fulltime has been an overwhelming reality to shift into.

Already the creative learning moments are seeping in. This is a picture from an outing into the trails on campus. A "crime scene" from a novel. A novel we divided up by chapter and read in pairs, then put back in order in under an hour! It opened my eyes to a different way to experience a story and make it interesting and memorable.

I'm home again for a week and rushed right into my space to play with my fabrics!

I'm hoping to get these fused to work on while I'm back at school.

Even the cats are glad I'm home! Lambert finally came out to cuddle with my husband.
I'm glad for the week of cuddles too.

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. Oh, my goodness, Sarah! Lambert looks just like my Forte did! We named him Forte because his meow was so loud. What a beautiful kitty! Is he a mixture of breeds or perhaps a Burmese? He's gorgeous!

  2. Have a great week Sarah! And best of luck. I love you're elephant fabric! I can't wait to see those done.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!