
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Quilting Plans for October

I finished my October Aurifil block while I was home on practicum for teacher's college. I'm still in love with these fabrics and hope I can make the quilt top in a timely fashion! Maybe it will be my graduation gift to myself ;)

I didn't bring my Aurifil fabrics back with me to school as I'm only here until the first week of November and I have LOTS of assignments due that week. Instead, I looked in my quilt space and found my shoeboxes full of selvages.

This will be my sewing therapy for the next few weeks. If I'm lucky it will produce some Christmas gifts at the same time!

How lucky am I? When I returned to my parents this weekend this lovely stack of quilt magazines was waiting for me. My sister purged and I am going to enjoy the results! Thanks sis, they won't go to waste!

That's my quilting plans for the rest of October. . .
I hope you find some time to quilt too!
With Joy,

Sarah Vee


  1. I hope you find a few minutes for some sewing therapy. Maybe in between that long list of assignments.
    Sounds like you will be home again pretty soon.
    Go Sarah!

  2. Sarah, so wish we were a little closer, I'd love to share some books with you also!! sounds like you are doing well, keep it up!! Think of you often!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!