
Thursday, January 2, 2014

Welcoming 2014 with a FLOURISH


New Year's Eve was the annual luau hosted by Pat Sloan on her mashup forum. I had loads of fun chatting with friends and working on this quilt!

My last finish of 2014 is made up of blocks that my sister and I made {at least 6} years ago.
It's not ALL of the blocks, but these ones my son picked out of the pile. He likes yellow.
Several years ago I played with making the original 12 inch blocks bigger by adding a border to each block. I was inspired by a halloween quilt the Kathy Mack at Pink Chalk Fabric was working on at the time. Here's Kathy's post with the frames on her blocks.

This is the back - almost all train fabric. My son is a {steam train} aficionado at 6. He's been working at it for years (grin). The rest of the back is a strip of leftover Traffic Jam blocks {free Pat Sloan pattern} and one more yellow block from the mix on the front - notice this one never got a border.

I also picked my word for the year: Flourish.

I'm hoping to flourish in all sorts of ways, not the least of which is finishing up some UFOs and displaying the here - with a flourish! :)

Do you pick a word for the year?
Feel free to share in the comments.

Wishing you JOY in 2014,

Sarah Vee


  1. Looks great! Glad to see you finished it..
    I haven't picked a word for 2014 yet. Not sure if I will.
    Love your word. Looking forward to you "Flourish"ing this year.

  2. Great word!!! And great finish. I bet you DS loves it.

  3. Great quilt finish! I like your word and I really like flourish images!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!