
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bliss and Joy

In no particular order today to get you Inspired and into your quilting space!

February UFO finished

I finally just finished this top! It's been quilted for awhile, and I may still add some little embellishments (buttons and such), but for now I'm happy that I can look at it in my quilting space.
It was the top that inspired my Follow Your Bliss Makealong.

This photo inspired my blog post title today - Bliss and Joy. I like how they look (and feel) together :)
Joy is still a work in progress. . . 

This photo does not do the quilt justice. The blue 'quilting lines' are actually signatures on the quilt and the quilting lines are around them.
This is quite a beautiful, detailed piece of mixed fibres and dimensional pieces that bring the viewer in closer to see how they were affixed to the quilt top.
I saw this quilt up close and personal during the March Break. The binding is made up of several of the fabrics that are in the quilt.

THIS weekend I got inspired and added a little bit to my stash at a local stash sale! 
The first time for this event and the place was packed (for a little town and even a moderate sized one!)
All those zippers were $3! I'm hoping some, if not all of the rainbow of fabrics are cotton. They're in the washer right now:)

This bag full of buttons filled a small mason jar. Lots of happiness in here:)

This was one event leading up to my little towns fiber arts festival in october.
Espanola Fiber Arts Festival.

This was THE find that got me started spending! I love the pattern and the colours.

It's not cotton. It feels like burlap almost. My first thought was to make a carpet bag with it. We'll see what I come up with!

AND. because I still have LOTS of snow and have wanted to dye fabric for years, check out this tempting tutorial on snow dyeing!
Check out her beautiful results here - snow dyed fabrics!

Take some time to enjoy quilting this week!

Sarah Vee


  1. Love your fabric finds. So much great color in the fabrics and the zippers and buttons.
    Snow dyeing....came out so awesome. I have to remember that for the next snow storm. (Which could be next week.

  2. Lots of goodies. I had to laugh...I have my Follow your bliss up on the design wall hoping to finally finish it. I'll send you a photo when I'm done. Hugs

  3. Sarah! Congratulations on finishing your schooling! That is great! We knew you could do it. I bet the kids are happy that you are done too!

    Bobbie Molony


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!