
Friday, May 23, 2014

Another Joy Filled Day Off

I had today off and spent the morning working on my International Soul Art Day piece. It's still a quilt top but this is as far as I know what to do to with it right now. I blanket stitched around the feet and hands with some sea blue variegated Aurifil thread. I knew from when I was sitting with this piece when I started making it that I would be adding colours around the edge! Not just any colours but chakra colours as this will be the next activity Laura Hollick leads the artists through - a chakra activity. I used the solids from the rainbow of stash I purchased at the local stash sale in my little town. I posted my haul here :) I really happy with this work so far - it makes me smile deep!

Then I had a nap.

Oh the simple pleasures of a day off!

Later I sat on my front porch drinking coffee. It was a beautiful day here!

Then I met my neighbour! For the first time!

She invited me across the street to have some of her rhubarb which is taking over her side garden.

Still in the enjoying simple pleasures mode on my day off I introduced myself, thanked her for the large-two-hand-holding bunch of rhubarb and promptly searched on google for some rhubarb recipes.

I found one and baked a delicious cake!
Here's the link to the recipe: The Seaside Baker Quick Rhubarb Cake
 Enjoy her beautiful photos of the cake -  it tastes as good as it looks!

I love the blue background behind the cake - notice the blue, yellow and red colour scheme in the photo. With hints of silver and white. 

This is the kind of close looking at colour combinations I encourage you to play with in my Color Prompt for Quilters ebooklet.

Then tonight I put up a little welcome video on my Youtube channel. Yep, I have a Youtube channel! I've neglected it but think it might be a way for me to stay in touch with less photo editing:)

What do you think?

To all my American readers - enjoy your long weekend!

With Joy,
Sarah Vee


  1. Sarah, I love your Soul Art so far - will they be separate or incorporated together?
    About that rhubarb cake, you want to know what I think? I think you should have shown us a photo of your cake on a blue background and shared it (the cake) with us! LOL!! Loved your cute haircut on your video!!

  2. Looking good Sarah! I feel ne step closer to meeting you in person! The cake looks relish. I saved another recipe from the site for peach coffee cake that looks good too Enjoy the weekend!

  3. I love your soul art piece. It was fun seeing you and I will follow your youtube postings. Maybe you can helpme get the hang of improv.LOL


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!