
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

International Soul Art Day

My first time exploring being an artist with fabric in this manner.

I realized that I was ready. There was no need to go out and buy supplies - everything required was already on hand. There was no need to learn a technique - I had taught myself all the different techniques I wanted to use. At one point in the process, when I was starting to 'build' my fabric feet and hands, I remembered 12 years ago in our little apartment in New Hamburg. I was trying to 'be' an artist and create a scene with fabric. It was torture. I was frustrated with not knowing how to do what I could see in my mind's eye. Not knowing what I needed or how to proceed, the pieces I did stitch together ended up stretched and folded up, travelling with me for many years as a visual reminder of my failed attempt as an artist.

Today I succeeded.

While my piece isn't finished, I know what's coming next and how to do it. I'll get back to it as soon as I can, probably Friday night.

Special thanks to Jamie Ridler who mentioned Soul Art Day in one of her posts that made me curious enough to click over and see what it was all about.
Jamie Ridler link

International Soul Art Day link

Laura Hollick, founder of International Soul Art Day is Canadian! She's in Hamilton, Ontario.
Laura Hollick link

With Joy,

Sarah Vee

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!