
Sunday, May 25, 2014

Red, White and Rhubarb

This is for my friend Linda who thought I should take my own picture of the rhubarb cake!

My suggestion for colour combination viewing with these two photos?

Look at each one and think about what happens to the yellow of the slice of cake. 

In the first photo, your eye is drawn to the cake for a couple of reasons: it's almost in the centre of the shot, it's a different shape than the other elements, and it's a different colour.

The red, blue and yellow scheme is quite different here than the one I directed you to in my last post.
{click here to see that beautiful blue again!}

My photo has a lot of white in it - add that pattern and it  feels like a picnic. Also, my blue is darker, and it plays with the yellow of my cake differently.

In the second photo, the colour of the table in the background is very similar to the cake's colour causing it to blend in and not draw your eye. In this photo, the red gets your attention. It's that little POP of colour that adds excitement. The red does help draw your attention to the cake - as does the blue of the plate. 

If I was going to choose one of these photos to inspire a quilt, it would be the second one. I would use tan (a faded creamy yellow) as the background, with blue as the focus colour in the blocks. Red sashing would be the perfect POP for a quilt!

You can play with my worksheet and prompts in my ebook Color Prompts for Quilters :)

With Joy,

Sarah Vee

P.S. May 26 is the last day to enjoy the SALE on my Eat with JOY! Placemat pattern.
At use the coupon code: PICNIC2014.
Or purchase my pattern at Craftsy.


  1. Neat cake!
    Could you let me know if I fixed the no-reply thing. I changed back to a blogger profile instead of google+, which I'm thinking caused the problem in the first place.

  2. I meant to comment on this the other day - fabulous post on color!! And I love your photos, now I want to go on a picnic, you make this cake and we'll go together!! xo


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!