
Sunday, June 29, 2014

Expanding my Sewing Space

**I've done an even more recent post with more descriptive photos - take a peek here!**

My space has expanded again. My daughter wanted to get rid of a drawer/shelf unit from her bedroom and I made some room for it!
My space has only ever been as big as the rug you see - now it's almost doubled. With my cutting table sideways in the middle, I can move around easily from my computer to ironing board, to sewing table.
This picture was taken while I was still moving stuff around. It's really much neater now - honest! And super easy to keep my cutting table clear with enough space to find everything a happy home:)

I started to make the wall art match the new layout. I had to get my Soul Art up - even though it's not finished! I really love my orange corner - my orange desk and my basket quilt.

Something else I finally did was put out the fabrics that I love and have been keeping for special projects. Now they are out in front of me where I can pet them and look at them all the time. They are inspiring me to use them up and make room for some new favourites!
(My dad completed and gave me the quilt puzzle - the perfect spot for it!)

This basket is holding some vintage Mickey Mouse Christmas fabric! I have had plans for this fabric for awhile, but haven't committed to the project. Now that I can see it all the time, I might start working on it!

I'm really looking forward to spending time in my new space. 
I'd love it if you followed me as I try to 'expand' my presence online.

You can follow my blog on  bloglovin' (there's a place to click on the right side of the page)
You can follow my youtube channel (there's another place to click on the right side of the page)
You can follow me on Craftsy too!
You can also find me on facebook - which I'm finding is a quick way for me to post one photo and keep in touch and save some of my time for quilting!

I'm trying to find ways to stay in touch easier online. I still love the feel of blogs - and writing on my blog. 
What about you?

Where do you enjoy being online?

Sarah Vee

P.S. I've linked up to Where I Sew Month at Pink Chalk Fabrics - go see some more sewing spaces:)


  1. Is there a pattern for the Orange quilt?

  2. Can you hear me clapping and squealing for you??! It looks so much brighter! Is that the space that your kids play area was in? It looks fabulous!! Your space is much bigger than mine, but I do have that "infamous bathroom" that I seem to shove things in - ugh!! Just reminded myself about that..... next week *wink!!
    Nice puzzle!

  3. Love the expansion! More sewing space. The colors look great. Enjoy having more room and more inspiraion where you can see it


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