
Monday, July 14, 2014

Making Placemats from Stash

I decided to make some placemats to match my Happiness Key quilt. I have some of the border fabrics left. I even allowed myself to fussy cut a big rose from the fabric for each placemat.

I'm using my Striped Delight pattern and just following the measurements to cut pieces from yardage and fat quarters. I'm not making the shoofly block and using an option I describe in the pattern (it means I won't have a pocket either, but I can live with that!) I didn't end up having enough of the blue with white polka dot fabric so I've improvised and am using some of the focus fabric for my top and bottom stripes.

This weekend I decided to make bold delight placemats to go on the back - notice I didn't start with the placemats I want NOW! LOL

I also made these from my stash yardage. The focus print is some fabric my sister gifted me several years ago!

I'm making them all match in my own fashion - the focus fabric is staying the same. I like how different these two placemats look - I chose fabrics that match the colours in the vegetables.

I really like this green print. It is a directional print but the pattern is so spaced out that it's not obvious to the eye when the pieces aren't going in the same direction. The batik on the outside I tried to keep the leaves pointing up.

I like this one too. It shows you can use only two fabrics to create a placemat. I was lucky enough that my scraps of vegetable basket fabrics were cut going in both directions so I could cut pieces for all the parts to go in the right direction. If you look closely (maybe you can already see it) the middle block on this one is pieced together. I was just happy I had enough to make all the centres! And, I still have some smaller bits of the vegetable fabric left.

I did end up making 5 placemats even though I only intended to make four. I couldn't resist trying out the green in the centre! I have secretly decided that this shade of green (kind of warm lime green) is my new accent colour in the kitchen and dining room. I'm not sure if my husband will notice or not! This one I will use as the centre runner. It seems like less stuff gets spilled at the table if it's on a soft surface rather than the wood.

I have only cut out enough fabric to make 4 of the striped delight. I will probably end up using some of the leftover rose fabric to make a runner for this set as well. I like to make reversible placemats - they take up less room in my linen drawer! That and I find it more fun to make two things at once!

You can purchase your own copy of my Double Delight pattern
which includes both the
 Striped Delight and the Bold Delight

Thanks for your support xo

With Joy,

Sarah V

1 comment:

  1. That veggie fabric is great. I do like being able to flip over a placemat and have a whole new look.


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