
Monday, July 7, 2014

Motivating UFO Photos

Before I went away for the weekend, I posted a photo of this block in progress on my Facebook page. Two of my friends were motivated to start working on their Halloween 1904 quilts! With their motivation, I got this block finished. (It's block #10 in my numbering system:))

Halloween 1904 is by Blackbird Designs, in case you wanted to make one too!

I picked up a few more black fat quarters for the quilt while I was away -  a great excuse to find and purchase fabric in a new-to-me quilt shop. 

3 Gals and a Quilt Shop in Huntsville, Ontario.

While I was there I picked up their row for the Row by Row Experience that's going on throughout North America it seems. This will probably be the only row I collect as most of the stores are outside of my postal code area:)

Row by Row Experience

THIS is how close I am to having all of my blocks done! #10 helped me get both bottom rows completed. If I had stuck to my plan of quilting each block when it was done, well, I'd be half done the quilt by now.

However, these are the only 2 blocks that are quilted!

Thanks to my almost-7 year old son for pointing out to me that
  goals are better than plans 
because it's okay if you don't meet your goals, 
but you feel bad if you don't finish your plan.
 Out of the mouth of babes!
 Now my GOAL is to finish the blocks by the end of the summer. 
The details, the plan, will take shape on its own.
 These photos are part of making that goal real for me 
- seeing how far I've come and
 feeling great about it :)

I'm sure I posted about it before, but the back of the quilt will be done in large pieces of 3 Sisters Double Chocolat and some other fabrics that go nicely with it. I'm as excited to have the back of the quilt as I am to have the front of the quilt. 
Two in one joy!

Do you have a UFO goal for this summer?

Leave a comment so I can come visit you and cheer you on!

We can do it!

I'm linking up with the Needle and Thread Network to see how some other Canadian quilters are spending their summer. 

 The Needle and Thread Network

With Joy,

Sarah V


  1. I always think your blocks look so great, but wow with them all layed out is like wow. it will be awesome!!!!

  2. Oooh!! Love seeing your Halloween project back out. :D It's wonderful.

  3. Smart son. I like your block/s even though I'm not that keen on Hallowe'en.

  4. Great quilt Sarah! I like your sons philosophy!

  5. What a great GOAL!! Lovely fabrics and it will be a super quilt!! Your son is right... goals are better than plans!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!