
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Roosting Robin Round 2

So happy with how this is evolving. This is only the second round of borders for this quilt! It started with just the churn dash block then the green with white polka dot border.

I decided to make it easy on myself and use up leftover 5 inch squares. This first layout I put opposite colours beside each other. It looks very scrappy.

The 'rules' said we could add a 2 or 3 row of checkerboards so I thought about making the quilt bigger even quicker by adding a third row. I thought using the same fabric between the variety of fabrics would work - unfortunately my same fabric is pretty busy!

Then I went back to arranging the scraps using the spectrum, repeating it in the same order as the churn dash. I did put the same rose print in each corner and then used the green with white polka dot in the final border corners.

For the next round I will have to consider making the top less square - perhaps by adding a border to only the top and bottom.

Finishing this round gave me a chance to take advantage of my steep snowbank to lay the quilt top out on!

Snow does make for a pretty white background:)

With Joy,

Sarah Vee


  1. Love the quilt. Think your final fabric placement is best.
    Love all your snow too.

  2. That's some serious snow. :) And yep - it looks so pretty sitting on it!

  3. I do love the final layout. The spectrum following the order in your churn dash makes it so striking.
    Can't wait to see what comes nxt.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!