
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Roosting Robin is Seeing Stars and a Club in the Works

I hope you had an enjoyable Easter weekend. I was sick for most of it, but when I finally felt better - it was right to my sewing space to try and catch up a bit!

I added borders to the top and bottom of the Roosting Robin top: I'm trying to make it rectangular so it is only a lap quilt. However, there are 3 more rounds to go and I'm not done this one yet!

It just might end up on my bed (secret squeal of glee - I may need to paint my bedroom to match!)

Now the "official" (very flexible) rules are to include at least 4 friendship stars in the next border. Never one to pass up an opportunity for a challenge, I decided to make the entire border of friendship stars - and wouldn't it be fun if it looked like they were floating!

Here is where I link to Michelle's excellent free tutorial for the block that really got me seeing the possibility of making all the stars.

Link to Michelle of Mishka's Playground/The Quilting Gallery Quartered Star Tutorial

This required some drawing out of my idea to get the math right (or right enough!) I wanted to make sure I had enough of the upper and outer border colours so the stars could float.

Then, it also being April, Pat Sloan released her free Vacation Time block of the month which just happens to feature - a friendship star.

Link to Pat Sloan's Vacation Time April BOM - The Penny Arcade

If you look closely at my drawing you see I have decided to incorporate Pat's 12 inch block at each corner. I've done some fancy figuring and am still at the hoping stage - hoping that I will have enough of the green with white polka dot fabric to go in each of those corner stars.

Time will tell.

This is as far as I actually got on the first bottom border.
There may only be a top border of stars to go with it.
Or there will be an unofficial extension granted so that I can get the other borders done too!

Because I also spent some of my quilting time taking final photos and writing a pattern to finally start a club!

Something easy and fun!  Sadie Paisley wanted to JUST CREATE ALREADY! So we are! I hope you'll join us;) I've still got more of the behind the scenes stuff to work out, but I'm hoping that by Saturday I'll be able to make it a real live thing for us to share with you!

With Joy,

Sarah V


  1. I like your plan and the mix of colors you are using. If it happens to grow large enough to end up on your bed, what a happy quilt to sleep under it will be.

  2. I love what you are doing with this round. I am still at round one. I do have a plan and the fabric on my cutting table so I am hoping to catch up. Possibly even before the next clue comes out. Like you say...time will tell. LOL


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