
Friday, May 15, 2015

Liberated Churn Dash Block Making

This week I realized (thanks to Blogger's stats) that a group of quilters has chosen my liberated churn dash block for their guild activity: someone at the Great Lakes Modern Quilt Guild will win a whole bunch of liberated churn dash blocks made by its members this month.
How cool is that?!

Maybe I should host a liberated churn dash lotto?
Maybe a makealong where I share how I plan my colour choices?

Maybe LATER!
Can you say end-of-the-school-year-procrastinating-from-marking-by-starting-even-more-quilting-projects-enough-already-finish-this-blog-post-and-go-to-bed!

Anyway, here's the link to my Liberated Churn Dash tutorial for making a block,
and the link to the Great Lakes Modern Quilt Guild blog with a great review of the process with some added tips,
and here's the link to my Liberated Churn Dash QUILT pattern available for purchase with even more pretty pics and details to get you liberated and churning in joy!

Thanks for sharing some time sewing joy with me,

Sarah V

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