
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

A Quilty Day! {Pumpkins, Traffic Jam and Curling Rocks}

pumpkin blocks with scrappy setting triangles

It won't stop talking to me!
This quilt has pushed it's way to the top of my list even though I really should be working on others.
I'm giving in because it makes me grin every time I look at it.
So yesterday I got up and started working more on it.

third setting triangle 9 patch

I found enough large pieces of 9 fabrics to make another 9 patch to cut into setting triangles. I used the same fabric in the middle of this one as the other two. It adds a little control to this pretty vibrant quilt.

half of middle section of pumpkin block quilt sewn together

I got the block cut and half of the center sewn together before I headed out for the day.
I'm pretty sure I'm going to be sewing the rest together once I'm done writing this ;)

me with Shirley and Traffic Jam quilt

My husband and I went to Sudbury to visit and pick up my Traffic Jam quilt! My friend Shirley, who I met online through Pat Sloan's Quilt Mashup Group, quilted it for me.
I am so happy with the whole experience. It is truly amazing how much my quilting life has gained from the internet.

curling rocks runner blog size

Which led to my third quilty thing yesterday - my Curling Rocks Runner!

Shirley was my inspiration for this design as she loves curling. It was so fun to be able to give it to her as a way to say thanks for quilting my quilt for me.

AND there is a tutorial for the runner up this week at so you can make one for yourself or to make as a gift!

I hope you enjoyed my quilty day - I sure did :)

Linking up with The Needle and Thread Network of Canadian Textile/Fibre/Fabric Artists
With Joy,

Sarah V

p.s. If you like the runner can you please leave me comments about it over at Quilt Social? Thanks so much!!


  1. I don't know if my comment was saved or not. So I'll try again. I don't blame you for working on this quilt - very pretty and the colors are just right for this time of year.

  2. Great quilts! Love the curling rocks, what a fabulous gift.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me. Your comments bring me JOY!